Russian Language Blog

Archive for 'Vocabulary'

The “Secret” Life of под- Posted by on Nov 19, 2021

You have probably seen под in some way or another in your studies of Russian. It is a common preposition that usually means “under.” As a prefix attached to verbs and nouns it also has a literal meaning of “under.” Подписа́ться means “to subscribe.” Подчеркну́ть means “to underline.” Perhaps you have read Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s «Запи́ски…

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V biblioteke (at the library) Posted by on Sep 13, 2021

a book by Pasternak

Смо́тришь в кни́гу ви́дишь фи́гу? (Looking into a book but seeing nothing – see note below) That certainly won’t be the case with Transparent’s Library Sign-up month. See here if your local library offers Transparent Language Online so that you can access Russian courses.  Remember to read the official rules here and поторопи́тесь — вас…

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How To Apologize In Russian Posted by on Aug 31, 2021


Mistakes are inevitable, but a sincere apology can help fix the situation. Let’s see how to apologize in Russian. The Most Common Ways The most popular ways to apologize are using the noun “извини(те) [iz-vi-NEE-(tye)]” and “прости(те) [pras-TEE-(tye)].” When talking to someone you know and address in “ты,” use “прости” and “извини.” If talking formally…

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Pretty in Prefix Posted by on Aug 23, 2021

a door left open

Should I write пре or при? Whether you are a beginner Russian learner or a native speaker, dealing with these two prefixes is a handful. Actually, dealing with all the prefixes in Russian can be overwhelming without some of them sounding almost exactly the same. Is it приле́чь or прелечь на дива́н (to lie down…

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Russian Inventions You Know-2 Posted by on Aug 11, 2021

Periodic Table

This time I would like to continue the list of the valued inventions of Russians. Previously, I told you about famous engineers and physicists. In fact, Russians have made tremendous contributions to inventions. If you open the history of the space (космическая), aviation (авиационная), or military (военная) industry (индустрия), you will find many Russian names…

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Russian Inventions You Know Posted by on Jul 30, 2021


Today I want to talk about one of the extremely important and debatable topics about Russia – the achievements of its citizens in innovations that have changed the modern world.   Brain Drain – Утечка мозгов On the one hand, Russia has long been known for its scientists (учёные), researchers (исследователи), and inventors (изобретатели). On the…

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Patience à la russe Posted by on Jul 27, 2021

a kid getting a band aid

Patience is a virtue and also a fascinating word in Russian: терпе́ние. Let’s look at how to use that word and its derivatives in a sentence. Towards the end we will talk about translating the imperative “потерпи́” and a few idiomatic expressions with “терпе́ние”. Терпе́ние — patience It means «выноси́ть страда́ние» (endure suffering) but used…

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