Days of Our Lives or Have You Bought the Tree Yet? Posted by yelena on Dec 14, 2012 in language
This is the time of the year when Russian kids start asking their parents когда мы за ёлкой поедем? (when will we go get the New Year tree?) For busy parents the best day might just be завтра (tomorrow), not because it has particular significance, but because it is the weekend.
Of course, if завтра is not good for you, you can always say you’ll get the tree послезавтра (the day after tomorrow). Literally, послезавтра simply means “after tomorrow”. So it has that air of deadline-busting uncertainty that the English “day after tomorrow” totally lacks.
Trying to sound more committed? Try через день (in a day) instead:
Позвони мне через день – Call me in a day
although a more common turn of phrase is через день-два (after a day or two). An even more nebulous future date is на следующей неделе (sometime next week) or в следующем месяце (sometime next month).
You might know the quote никогда не откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать сегодня (don’t leave for tomorrow what can be done today). If you try to search online for the phrase “don’t leave for tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrow”, you will get lots of references to the 2004 movie The Day After Tomorrow which screened in Russia as Послезавтра .
However, searching for the same phrase in Russian – не откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать послезавтра – gets you, among other things, a page that says this quote принадлежит перу Марка Твена (was penned by Mark Twain). I’ll leave fact-checking of this tidbit на завтра (‘til tomorrow).
And by the way, should you say на завтра or до завтра?
Я решил отложить это до завтра is as good (or bad) as Я решил отложить это на завтра – I decided to put it off until tomorrow.
But we say подожди до завтра и будет тебе ёлка – wait until tomorrow and you’ll get your New Year tree
and Мне необходимо выслать эту посылку до завтра – I must send this package by tomorrow
We need to перенести на завтра (reschedule for tomorrow), but are trying to дожить до завтра (survive until tomorrow, live to see tomorrow). If a store закрыт до завтра, it will remain closed until tomorrow. A store that is закрыт на завтра will stay closed the entire day tomorrow. You might decide to go to bed early and спать до завтра (sleep until tomorrow) so that you will набраться сил на завтра (gather strength for tomorrow).
But if you promise to do something завтра, you better do it. Or else you’ll be known as someone who завтраками кормит (lit: feeds breakfasts; metaphorically – someone who doesn’t deliver on promises).
Сколько можно кормить ребёнка завтраками! Сегодня же покупаем ёлку! – How much longer can we keep promising things to a child! We’re going to get the New Year tree today!
Russian word for yesterday is вчера. Yep, sounds much like вечера (evenings):
Вчера вечером мы наряжали ёлку – We decorated the New Year tree yesterday evening
A day before yesterday is, therefore, два дня назад or позавчера or, confusingly, третьего дня (thankfully this last one is seldom used nowadays):
Два дня назад мы достали с антресолей ёлочные игрушки – Two days ago we got New Year tree ornaments from the ceiling cabinet.
Мы купили ёлку позавчера – We bought the New Year tree the day before yesterday.
Соседи нарядили свою ёлку третьего дня – Neighbors decorated their tree the day before yesterday.
Children who master the meaning of послезавтра and позавчера are often overheard talking about events that happened поза-поза-позавчера or will happen после-после-послезавтра. Which sounds confusing (and fun) even to themselves. Adults avoid sounding childish and instead say things like
три дня назад – three days ago
на прошлой неделе – last week
на позапрошлой неделе – the week before last
в прошлом месяце – last month
через три дня – in three days
на следующей неделе – next week
на послеследующей неделе – the week after next
в следующем месяце – next month
Я иду в отпуск через неделю – I am going on vacation in a week
В следующую пятницу у меня важное совещание – I have an important meeting next Friday
Новая версия популярной игры поступит в продажу в следующем месяце – The new version of the popular game will appear in stores next month
Последний раз я была в отпуске два года назад – Last time I went on vacation was two years ago
На позапрошлой неделе к нам приезжали гости – We had guests visiting us the week before last
Я пробовала тебе позвонить пару дней назад – I tried calling you a couple of days ago
Practice makes perfect, so try answering these questions
когда ваш следующий отпуск? – when is your next vacation?
когда вы в последний раз были в кино? – when was the last time you went to the movies?
что вы делали позавчера? – what did you do the day before yesterday?
какие у вас планы на завтра и послезавтра? – what are your plans for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?
and of course, когда вы наконец-то купите новогоднюю ёлку? – when will you finally buy the New Year tree?

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Very helpful and very funny! Thank you. (I LOVE Masha and Medved!)