Tag Archives: Russian government
How Is Russia Supporting Its Citizens During The Global Pandemic Posted by Nadya on May 12, 2020

Coronavirus has severely damaged the economies of many countries, and Russia is not an exception. Almost all areas of life are being affected by COVID-19. What is the Russian government doing to minimize the economic losses (экономи́ческие поте́ри) of its citizens? According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Центра́льный банк Росси́йской Федера́ции), and…
Current Events: Changes to the Russian Constitution Posted by Maria on Feb 6, 2020

If you follow Russian news, you may know that the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has suggested changing the Russian constitution. Read on to learn what happened, how you can describe it in Russian, and what the reasons for it might be. Background The current Russian constitution (конститу́ция) was adopted in 1993, after proclamations of independence…
Heart of Russia? Posted by Jenya on Jan 13, 2015
What’s shaped like a triangle, considered by many to be the largest medieval structure ever built, is located in Moscow, and houses the largest bell in the world? Another hint, in Russian the word means “fortress.” We could only be talking about the Kremlin. Arguably the Kremlin is Russia’s most famous structure – perhaps on…
Russian Politics 101 Posted by yelena on Jul 22, 2010

Our next guest blogger, Natalie, is a university student studying history and the Russian language. She writes the blog birdbrain and can be found on Twitter at @natalie_. Her interest in the Russian language was sparked by Russian history and a Russian course at university and she’s been hooked ever since. When learning about a…