Tag Archives: Russian news
News: US visas for Russian citizens Posted by bota on May 13, 2021

Originally, I had a Радо́ница (Radonitsa) blog for today and if I had to write about visas, this is the type of embassy-themed blog I would rather be writing right now, but alas. Russia and US relations like to frequent major headlines and while it’s not a surprise that the two got caught in the…
Why a Sportswear Ad Campaign Blew Up in Russia Posted by Maria on Feb 28, 2019

We are now hitting the “gender” holiday season in Russia. Defender of the Fatherland on February 23 is usually seen as “men’s day,” and March 8 is International Women’s Day. Incidentally, a recent ad campaign by Reebok has started a heated debate—and backlash—around the subject of gender roles, feminism, and appropriate behavio(u)r. A couple of warnings…
3 Trending Topics on Russian Twitter Now Posted by Maria on Nov 15, 2018

Do any of you follow any accounts posting in Russian on Twitter? I follow a few journalists and organizations. We have posted about ideas on who to follow on social media before. Take a look at what was trending when I was writing this post. Igor Talkov Murder Case Reopened Дело об убийстве Талькова возобновили…
5 Russian Phrases to Talk About Raising the Retirement Age Posted by Maria on Jul 16, 2018

One of the current stories coming from Russia—even though it was temporarily overshadowed by the World Cup—is the proposal to raise the retirement age. Here are five useful expressions for discussing this reform, along with some coverage it’s received in the Russian media. Пенсио́нный во́зраст Пе́нсия refers to the pension received by a retired person…
Russian News: Fire in Kemerovo Mall Posted by Maria on Mar 28, 2018

A lot of the Russian internet is discussing a tragedy that happened last Sunday, March 25, in the Western Siberian city of Kemerovo (Кемерово). A fire broke out in a mall and killed at least 64 people, many of them children. Let us look at how it is being covered in Russia. Meduza reported: Днём…
5 FAQs About Anti-Corruption Protests in Russia Posted by Maria on Mar 30, 2017

Many of our readers have probably seen coverage of anti-corruption rallies in Russia last weekend. Are you still confused about what transpired? Read on to learn how these events were covered by participants and observers in Russia. This post is meant to inform the readers about this coverage and not to promote any specific point of…
3 Affordable Ways To Surround Yourself With Russian Media Posted by Maria on Jan 5, 2016
I was going to start Netflix on my “smart” TV when I saw a banner inviting me to install a TV Rain (Дождь) app. For those of you who may not know this, TV Rain is an independent TV station in Russia. This inspired me to write about the ways someone living outside Russia…