Top Russian Blog Posts of 2018 Posted by Maria on Dec 19, 2018 in Uncategorized
As we near the end of the year, I would like to look back at the top ten posts from 2018.
10. Isn’t it cool that Russian has a case for describing the tool with which or the manner in which something is done? No need to use any preposition like “with” or “by,” either! Our tenth most popular post, “Fun Uses of the Instrumental Case in Russian“ looks at how you can use this case to describe the way someone’s traveling or different ways of writing.
9. In ninth place, we have “Five Ways To Describe Rudeness in Russian.” This article will help you learn:
- how to describe impolite behavio(u)r stemming from intentional malice, a lack of good manners, or unintentional neglect
- when you call someone’s actions “unpretty” (некраси́вые)
- why, in some cases, “неве́жливый” is a better equivalent for the English “rude” than “гру́бый“
8. Our next popular post, “Five Non-Russian Languages of Russia,” looked at other languages spoken by large groups of people in Russia as their first language. Read it to discover:
- which languages from the Slavic, Turkic, and Northeast Caucasian language families made the list
- music videos by artists performing in these languages
- which of these languages enjoys an official status in a neighboring country
7. Gallows humo(u)r is probably present in every culture, and our seventh-most-popular post (“Macabre Russian Sayings“) looks into some dark sayings in Russian. This article will explain:
- why you would give a dead person a poultice
- who leaves their workplace feet first (нога́ми вперёд)
- how you can express your frustration using the word “гроб” (“coffin”)
6. You probably heard that you should avoid repeating “good” in your English writing. It’s the same in Russian! Read “Beyond Хорошо: 5 Ways of Saying ‘Good’ In Russian” to learn other expressions of joy and pleasure. Among the words featured are прекрасно and замечательно.
5. Do you have a friend who sometimes talks to their family or friends in Russian? Are you hearing certain words repeated over and over again, but you aren’t sure what they mean? Then read “5 Words You Hear in Informal Russian Conversations” to learn how дава́й, ла́дно, and other colloquial expressions are used in everyday speech.
4. Cross-cultural dating is always a popular subject. In fourth place, we have “Four Tips for Dating a Russian.” Learn how casual your dates should be and how to show your affection.
And now drumroll for our top three!..
3. Would you like to watch more contemporary Russian cinema? Then you should check out “6 Critically Acclaimed Russian Films You Can Stream Right Now.” With subjects spanning justice, interethnic tensions, power structures, and family, these films are certain to have something for everyone to enjoy.
2. In second place, we have the burning question of every international visitor to a Russian city: “Why Are Russian Place Names So Long?” Delve into the world of adjective suffixes, compound roots, and gender endings that make Russian place names so mind-numbingly complex. Read on to get over your fear of a name like Красносе́льская (kruss-nuh-SEL’-ska-yah).
1. At the top of our list for the year is the post on the “Five Ways to Say ‘Because’ in Russian.” This article will help you learn:
- formal, informal, and neutral ways of expressing causation in a sentence
- how to replace “потому́ что” (because) with a more exciting synonym
So there you have it! Scroll through our most-read articles of the year and let me know what you think or what you would like to read about in the new year. I hope you enjoy the holiday season and come back re-energized to learn some Russian!

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