Russian Language Blog

Vacation Season Posted by on Jul 12, 2012 in language, Russian for beginners, Russian life

Ah, summer, prime vacation season not just in Russia, but in many other countries as well. Я жду не дождусь (I can’t wait) for my vacation that’s just a few days away. I can’t even remember the last time я была в отпуске (I was on vacation). How about you?

If you are an американец (American male) or американка (American female), then я готова поспорить (I am ready to wager a bet) that you do not get enough time off from work. Все знают, что американцы – трудоголики (Everyone knows that Americans are workaholics). Besides, American отпуск (vacation) is just two weeks long. This is not nearly enough time to хорошо отдохнуть (rest well).

Still, we use what we can, утешая себя мыслью о пенсии (consoling ourselves with thoughts of retirement). But you are probably not so interested in my views on vacation policies. Instead, you might be wondering where am I going this year.

Before I start answering this question, let’s review two words that Russians use when they talk about vacations. The first word is каникулы (school break). These are taken by students and politicians and occur several times throughout the year. Of course, летние каникулы (summer break) is the longest and most anticipated.

The second word is отпуск. Отпуск is a vacation taken by people who work, including teachers. It comes from the verb отпускать (to let go). By the way, Russian Трудовой Кодекс (Labor Code) specifies the length of ежегодные оплачиваемые отпуска (annual paid vacations) at двадцать восемь календарных дней (twenty eight calendar days).

And now, while those of us who live in the US, are sighing wistfully, let’s review some helpful vacation-related phrases and, along the way, find out where I am going in just a few days. I am also including lots of questions for you (you can share your answers in the comments, if you’d like)

Куда вы едете этим летом? – Where are you going (to travel) this summer?
Этим летом я собираюсь поехать в Нью-Йорк и во Флориду – This summer I am going to New York and Florida.
А куда вы поедете этим летом? – And where will you be going this summer?

Когда вы поедете во Флориду? – When are you going to Florida?
Я еду во Флориду на следующей неделе – I am going to Florida next week
Когда вы поедете в отпуск? – When will you be going on vacation?

Как долго вы будете во Флориде? – How long will you be in Florida?
Я проведу во Флориде всего пять дней – I will spend just five days in Florida.
Как долго продлится ваш отпуск (или ваша поездка)? – How long is your vacation (or your trip)?

Что вы планируете делать во Флориде? – What are you going to do while in Floriday?
Я думаю поехать на Мыс Канаверал, в Леголанд, встретиться с друзьями – I am thinking about visiting Cape Canaveral, Legoland, and seeing friends.
Что вы планируете делать на отдыхе? – What are you going to do on your vacation?

Вы поедете на машине или полетите на самолёте? – Will you be driving or flying?
Я поеду на машине, так как хочу остановиться в Саванне, штат Джорджия – I will be driving because I want to make a stop in Savannah, Georgia.
А вы поедете или полетите? – And are you driving or flying?

Когда же вы поедете в Нью-Йорк? – When will you be travelling to New York?
Я поеду в Нью-Йорк ближе к осени, но это будет рабочий отдых – I will be going to New York later this summer (lit: closer to Fall), but it will be a working vacation.

Зарплата (paycheck) that you get for the time you are on vacation is called отпускные (vacation pay). Unlike in the US, in Russia отпускные are paid before you go on vacation. I think it’s very thoughtful since you need деньги (money) to забронировать гостиницу (make hotel reservations), купить билеты (buy tickets), and, unless you are at a пансионат (all-inclusive resort), pay for еда (food), развлечения (entertainment), экскурсии (tours). But even with an all-inclusive deal, you need money to buy сувениры (souvenirs).

But what if you don’t plan on travelling anywhere for your vacation this year? If you are staycationing, then you can just say я проведу отпуск дома (I am spending my vacation at home). Which sounds pretty boring, so you need to emphasize all the cool things you’re going to do:

Я собираюсь провести весь отпуск дома. Буду ходить в бассейн с детьми, в кино. Каждый выходной буду на даче, шашлыки жарить, в озере купаться. Обязательно на рыбалку съезжу и в лес, за ягодами. По дому дела сделаю, в гостиной побелю и новые обои наклею.

I am going to spend vacation at home. I will go to the pool with the kids, to the movies. Every weekend I will be at my dacha, grilling, swimming in the lake. Definitely will go fishing and berry picking in the woods. I’ll get a few things done around the house, whitewash and wallpaper the living room.

А как вы обычно проводите отпуск? (How do you usually spend your vacations?) Whatever you do, хорошего вам отдыха (have a great vacation!)

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  1. Ceridwen:

    Thanks for this. I found it very useful to repeat the sentences you wrote. It shows the instrumental case a lot.

    ‘А куда вы поедете этим летом?’

    So I assume that ‘Where did you go on holiday?’ would be
    ‘Куда ты поехала в отпуск?’ (if speaking to a woman)

    Am I right?

    • yelena:

      @Ceridwen Ceridwen, what a wonderful question. Usually, the question “where did you go on holiday?” is translated as куда ты ездила в отпуск? ехать and ездить both mean the same thing “to go”, but ехать is unidirectional, emphasizes the “getting there” part. Ездить is a multi-directional verb of motion and shows that a person went somewhere and returned.

      Она поехала в Сочи на поезде (She took a train to Sochi) – the point of the sentence is not whether “she” returned or not, but rather the trip TO Sochi
      Она ездила в отпуск в Сочи (She went to Sochi for her vacation) – here the focus is on the fact that “she” went to Sochi temporarily and is now back

      Hope this helps!

    • Vitaly:

      @Ceridwen We don’t say that way – Куда ты ПОЕХАЛА в отпуск.
      We say – Куда ты ЕЗДИЛА в отпуск.

  2. Cassidy:

    I don’t have a break from school this summer – but I am studying abroad in Russia! Это совсем лучше!

    • yelena:

      @Cassidy Yay, Cassidy, I’m jealous белой завистью! Yes, studying in Russia this summer sounds way more fun than any каникулы.

  3. Rob:

    The first word is каникулы (school break). These are taken by students and politicians and occur several times throughout the year

    Note that in English (or at least US English), каникулы can be translated as “recess” when you’re talking about politicians going on vacation (“The senators wanted to pass the bill before the US Congress takes its summer recess.”)

    But in the context of schoolchildren, “recess” in the sense of “a short break between lessons for playtime and/or lunch” would be перемена or перерыв.

  4. Stas:

    Этимология слова «каникулы» такова: латинское название звезды Сириус — «Каникула» — означает «маленькая собачка»; римский сенат объявлял дни отдыха в самое жаркое летнее время, когда эта звезда появлялась на утреннем небе; отсюда и происходит слово «каникулы». [The Latin name of the star Sirius – Canis – means “small dog”; Rome senate announced days off during the most hot time of summer when this star appeared in the morning sky, hence the word «каникулы».]

    • yelena:

      @Stas Stas, thank you for reading the post and commenting in both Russian and English. It’s both an interesting trivia and a good exercise for our readers.