Spanish Language Blog

Windsurfing in Cádiz Posted by on Jul 30, 2010 in Uncategorized

Cada temporada, como es obvio, va asociada a un tipo de deporte. El verano sugiere sol y mar, y qué mejor deporte para disfrutar de ambos que el windsurf. Lo único necesario es estar dispuesto a zambullirse, y por supuesto, viento y olas.

La Costa de la Luz gaditana, y más en concreto la zona de Tarifa, son muy apropiadas para practicar este deporte. Dicen los entendidos que las condiciones del Estrecho de Gibraltar vienen marcadas por el levante y el poniente. Cuando sopla el levante, con un anticiclón de paso en la Península Ibérica, es cuando el viento se filtra por el estrecho. Esto crea fuertes corrientes que atraen a todo valiente que se atreva a dominar sus aguas.

photo by: Carlos Alejo

El windsurf es una variante del mundialmente famoso surf, deporte de origen hawaiano que se remonta según dicen a épocas anteriores a la Edad Media. La primera noción de windsurf que se conoce es de 1935, cuando Tom Blake le inserta un aparejo a su tabla de surf cóncava. Desde entonces, y con ayuda de la aerodinámica, los diseños se fueron perfeccionando hasta lo que conocemos hoy día: mástil rotativo, sujeciones en los pies para no ser despedidos por la fuerza del agua, tamaño y forma de botavaras y velas, nuevas maniobras, y un largo etcétera.

Y esto va más allá… ¿Que te gusta volar cometas? ¿Y hacer surf? Pues a practicar kitesurfing, deporte recién nacido de la mano de jóvenes con ganas de experimentar sensaciones fuertes: deportistas deslizándose con sus tablas, tirados por cometas de tracción, lo que hace que la velocidad alcanzada sea extrema.

Todo sea por pasar un buen rato de emoción, compañía, sol y playa. Y ya que estamos en Cádiz, disfrutar de la gracia de su gente, ¡y su pescaíto frito!

Windsurfin in Cadiz

Every season, naturally, is associated with a different type of sport. Summer calls for sunlight and seaside, and what better sport to enjoy both than windsurfing. All you need is to be willing to get into the water and, of course, some wind and waves.

The Costa de la Luz in Cadiz, and more specifically the Tarifa area, is most appropriate for the practice of this sport. Experts say conditions on the Strait of Gibraltar are determined by east and west winds. When the east wind blows, as a result of a high pressure area sweeping across the Iberian Peninsula, the wind is pushed through the strait. This creates strong currents that attract droves of courageous people who dare try to prevail over these waters.

Windsurfing is a variation of the well-known sport of surfing, which originated in Hawaii reportedly as far back as the time before the Middle Ages. The first recorded example of windsurfing is from 1935, when Tom Blake inserted a rig into his concave surf board. From then on, and thanks to aerodynamics, subsequent designs were perfected until the one we know today: rotating mast, straps to hold your feet so you’re not thrown off the board by the force of the water, the size and shape of the sails and booms, new maneuvers, and so on.

photo by: deadstar 2.0

The sport can offer you more… Do you like flying kites? And surfing? Then you can try kitesurfing, a more recent version developed by youngsters who want to experience powerful sensations: athletes gliding on their boards, powered by traction kites, which bring their speed to a maximum.

Anything goes as long as you can enjoy a good time with excitement, good company, sunshine, and beaches. And, since we are in Cadiz already, we should also enjoy the good spirit of its people, and fried fish!

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About the Author: Magda

Hi all! I’m Magda, a Spanish native speaker writing the culture posts in the Transparent Language Spanish blog. I have a Bachelor’s in English Philology and a Master’s in Linguistics and Literature from the University of Granada, in Spain. I have also completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Education, and then worked as an English teacher in several schools and academies for several years. Last year was my first at university level. In addition, I work as a private tutor, teaching English and Spanish as a foreign language to students and adults. In my free time, I’m an avid reader and writer, editing and collaborating in several literary blogs. I have published my first poetry book recently. And last but not least, I love photography!


  1. andreas:

    De veras bello. Talvez un día lo pratique yo también.

  2. Magda:

    Debe ser muy emocionante, pero creo que es deporte no apto para torpes. Yo pasaría más tiempo en el agua que sobre la tabla, ¡seguro!