Tag Archives: health
How is Mexico handling COVID-19? Posted by Karoly Molina on Apr 23, 2020

The COVID-19 virus reached Mexico late February 2020. In an effort to inform the country of the updates and the necessary measures, the Secretaría de Salud or the health department has had daily press conferences since February 29, 2020. In this post, I want to explore some of the measures taken and the campaign to…
Expresiones relacionadas con el cuerpo y la salud Posted by Paula on Jun 11, 2015
¡Buenos días! Esta semana toca mencionar el tema de la salud. Te dejamos un vídeo con consejos de salud y bienestar muy claros y concisos. Practicaremos algunas formas de imperativo como recomendación, vocabulario relacionado con el bienestar, y luego expresiones que utilizan una parte del cuerpo. Consejos para un estilo de vida saludable…
At the doctor’s office, en español Posted by Adir on Feb 17, 2012

We all get sick sometime and suppose you come down with something in a Spanish-speaking country? How are you going to deal with it? Well, here we have some very useful sentences for you to use if, God forbid, you get sick abroad. ¿Cuál es el problema? – What’s the matter? ¿Hace cuánto tiempo se…
Spanish Lesson Beginner 26 Managing in Spanish at the doctor´s Posted by Laura & Adam on Dec 23, 2011
Hola, ¿cómo estáis? In this beginner level Spanish lesson we will see some Spanish vocabulary related to illnesses, symptoms and medicine and how to manage in Spanish at the doctor’s. Let’s first see some general Spanish vocabulary that will be useful to you: • Médico/a: Doctor • Doctor / Doctora : Doctor + (name) (talking…
Remedios caseros: Infusiones para curar el resfriado Posted by Magda on Nov 24, 2011
Hola otra vez amigos. Por esta parte del globo ya estamos en otoño, aunque lo cierto es que en mi ciudad apenas disfrutamos de él, ya que del calor asfixiante del verano pasamos al gélido frío del invierno casi sin interrupción, lo que provoca que todos, antes o después, pillemos un buen catarro. No me…
Vocabulary: At the Drugstore (En la Farmacia) Posted by Adir on Nov 22, 2011
You’ve finally arrived at that Spanish-speaking country you always wanted to visit and bam! You’re sick and need to go to the drugstore to buy some medication and supplies to get better (this actually happened to me when I was in Uruguay). Here are some useful sentences and words: ¿Hay una farmacia aquí cerca? Is…
Spanish Lesson Beginner 25 Describing aches and pains at the doctor’s Posted by Laura & Adam on Nov 16, 2011
Hola ¿Cómo estáis? Today we will learn how to manage when visiting a doctor in a Spanish speaking country. We will look at the names of the main parts of the body in Spanish, common pains and ailments in Spanish and how to explain the pain you are feeling and where you are feeling it…