Spanish Language Blog

Tag Archives: humor

Let’s Laugh, En Espanõl! Posted by on Jul 31, 2014

Hello, there! Let’s finish July with a smile on our faces! Check out these very cool jokes en español. 01. ¡Gooool! Un árbitro de tercera división actuaba cierto domingo en un partido decisivo del campeonato de la comarca. En una jugada de la defensa local la pelota entró en el marco del equipo proprietario y…

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Learning verbs with Jaimito… Spanish jokes about verbal tenses. Posted by on May 23, 2014

¡Hola a todos! ¿Conocéis a Jaimito? Es un niño muy famoso aquí en España, posiblemente el personaje más conocido de nuestros chistes. Jaimito es un chiquillo pequeño y bastante travieso que siempre está planteando preguntas embarazosas, o haciendo trastadas. Siendo un niño pequeño, tiene que ir al cole e intentar aprender cómo conjugar los verbos…

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A different kind of social manifestations during Spanish Carnival: Chirigotas. Posted by on Feb 21, 2013

If you read any Spanish newspaper, or you listen to any news on tv or radio, you´d probably already know the difficult situation that we are living in our country: unemployment, injustice, political corruption, loss of social rights, and more and more people desperate not knowing who will bring a solution. We have had protests…

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Some problems with Spanish from a funny perspective: Berto Romero and his monologue “El español se nos rompió de tanto usarlo” Posted by on Jan 3, 2013

I´m sure you all will agree with me that a language is a living thing, so it changes and has to adapt itself to new times. I have transcripted part of a monologue by the Spanish Berto Romero, dealing with problems we can find regarding some expressions. Do we have to update them? You can…

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Rewriting our traditional sayings: the new Spanish “refranero” Posted by on Nov 9, 2012

Do you know there is a financial crisis going on all over the world? Even more, do you know we also have a political and social crisis in Spain? I know we as a country have a lot of faults, but one of the best things of our “national character” is the sense of humor…

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Monologues in Andalusian: Dani Rovira Posted by on Oct 26, 2012

To understand real speech in a foreign language is very hard sometimes. Some weeks ago I shared a post with the transcription of a funny monologue about the “Macho ibérico“, and some of you told me it was very interesting, so I decided to transcript another one.  Today´s post is even more difficult, because you…

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Speak English in three words Posted by on Oct 3, 2012

Un tipo que no sabe nada de inglés está preocupado porque pronto viaja a Nueva York y no sabe ni cómo pedir algo para comer. Le cuenta el problema a un compañero de trabajo. – No se preocupe uste’… Lo único que uste’ tiene que hacer es decir bien rapidingo, “Usted, ¿quién es?”, y el…

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