As Fall Sets in, Swedes Bring on the “mys” Posted by Chelsea B on Oct 22, 2019 in Culture, Grammar, Swedish Language, Vocabulary
As temperatures drop and the cold weather blues set in, Swedes harness “mys.” The Danish and Norwegian “hygge” is not the only Nordic concept used to encapsulate wellbeing and coziness. The phenomenon of long and cold winters in Scandinavia is nothing new, so instead of letting the lack of sun and cold temperatures get them down, Swedes combat this feeling by mastering mys around their homes, businesses, and town centers. It’s equally about creating a cozy aesthetic, as it is about sculpting a feeling and enjoying the moment.
Here are a few ways in which Swedes celebrate mys this time of year and some vocabulary to go with it. But first, let’s break down the grammar of mys in Swedish!
The noun mys, technically, ett mys -> myset, can be added as a suffix to a word that you would like to label as “cozy,” becoming a compound noun. For example:
fredagsmys Friday coziness
Fredagsmys är bäst med familjen! “Friday coziness” is best with family!
höstmys fall coziness
julmys Christmas coziness
Mysa works as a verb, meaning to be cozy, or sometimes to “cuddle”
att mysa -> myser -> myste -> har myst -> mys!
Jag vill inte gå ut. Jag vill bara mysa hemma.
I don’t want to go out. I just want to “be cozy” at home.
Then, in adjective form: mysig / mysigt / mysiga, en / ett / plural forms
Tofflor är så mysiga. Slippers are so cozy.
Swedes enjoy mysiga moments all year round, but here are some examples that are especially present this time of year:
Swedes LOVE lighting candles, putting decorative lamps in their windows, lighting outdoor votives, and twinkle lights, especially as the holiday season approaches. December celebrations like Advent and Lucia are all about finding light and goodness during dark times. So you’ll see electric advent candles and stars hanging in windows all around Sweden.
If you would like to illuminate your home like a Swede, you get extra points if you connect your seasonal lights into timers that automatically come on when the sun goes down. Smart, va?! Smart, right?!
ett ljus – flera ljus a candle or light – several candles
en lykta – flera lyktor a lantern – several lanterns
att tända to light
-> tänder -> tände -> har tänt -> tänd!
-Ska vi tända ett ljus? -Shall we light a candle?
-Absolut, jag älskar ljus! -Absolutely, I love candles!
Myspys hemma! / Cozy vibes at home! Hunkering down with a warm drink and a good book or film is an extra mysigt fall and winter activity. The hashtag #myspys has around 100,000 tags on Instagram where Swedes share their ideal images of cozy ambience.
att gosa to cuddle
-> gosar -> gosade -> gosat -> gosa!
Det regnade igår så katten och jag gosade hela dagen.
It rained yesterday so the cat and I cuddled all day.
en filt – många filtar a blanket – many blankets
att fika to take a break and enjoy a coffee or tea
-> fikar -> fikar -> fikade -> har fikat -> fika!
Han brukar fika på eftermiddagen. He usually “fikas” in the afternoon.
varma drycker warm drinks
Äppelcider med kanel är min favorit varm dryck till hösten!
Apple cider with cinnamon is my favorite warm drink in the fall.
mörk – mörkt – mörka dark, en / ett / plural forms
Kvällarna blir mörka i höst. The nights become dark in fall.
Although hibernating inside can be super mysigt, Swedes get outside to enjoy nature even when temperatures drop. Bundling up in höstkläder, or fall clothing, and enjoying the fall colors is a mysig pastime of many.
en stickad tröja / tröjor a knit sweater/s
en dunjacka / jackor a down jacket/s
en mössa – mössor a knit hat – hats
att vandra to hike
–> vandrar -> vandrade -> har vandrat -> vandra!
Att vandra i skogen är bäst! To hike in the forest is the best!
en höstpromenad – promenader a fall walk – walks
färgglada löv colorful leaves
Jag älskar höst för att löven är mycket färgglada.
I love fall because the leaves are very colorful.
krispig -> krispigt -> krispiga crisp, en / ett / plural forms
Luften är krispig. The air is crisp.
vinröd / vinrött / vinröda wine red, en / ett / plural forms
senapsgul /-gult /-gula mustard yellow, en / ett / plural forms
How do you create an atmosphere of “mys”? Can you think of a new noun with the suffix –mys? Let’s see your ideas in the comments below!

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So nice to see some activity on the blog again! Will certainly be looking forward to more posts.
Chelsea B:
@Ryder Thank for reading 🙂 I’ll be posting weekly so let me know if there are any topics you would like to see!
Lovely post!
Just some small corrections, it’s myste, har myst (not mysade, har mysat). And it’s filtar, not filter.
Now I’m heading inside for some söndagsmys in the höstrusk!
Chelsea B:
@Par Tack för hjälpen! svek mig with both of those terms! I’ll have to dubbelkolla my vocab elsewhere nästa gång.
Enligt ordboken är ‘att mysa’ ett v2b verb.
Så varför står det ‘ mysade mysat’ ?
Chelsea B:
@Chris Du har rätt! Tack 🙂
Ingeborg S. Nordén:
Enligt min väninna Ingrid: Sverigemys, det kan man inte få någon annanstans. (According to my friend Ingrid: Sweden-coziness. you can’tget that anywhere else.)
Chelsea B:
@Ingeborg S. Nordén Absolut! Jag håller med!