Office Swedish part 2 Posted by Tibor on Oct 28, 2010 in Swedish Language
So here is part two for some very useful Swedish office definitions. Enjoy!
Tjänstepension: It is a part of your future pension. You can divide the pension in Sweden into 3 parts. (Statlig pension, tjänstepension, own private pension savings). This one is paid in by your employers through the years. You have to work at least 3 months in a row to be eligible to it. After this period you will receive the money at every work from day one in the future. |
Statlig pension: Everyone has the right for this who has worked in Sweden. The longer you work the more pension you receive from the state. |
Tillsvidareanställning: Employment/Post with no time limitation. It makes hard for en employer to fire you without very serious reasons. |
VD: Verkställande Direktör or CEO in English |
CV: Curriculum Vitae |
Adm.dir: Administrative Director |
Slavkontrakt: Slave contract. Expression for very bad conditions in a contract. |
Uppsägningstid: Termination of employment. |
Löneförmån: Benefit (attaching to one´s salary). |
Ergonomi: Ergonomics. It is usually refering to your work enviroment. For example: do you have the right tools, tables, chair etc.? |
Arbetsmiljöfråga: Working environment issue. For example: The air condition is leaking. There is a bad smell coming from the office below. You get headache of the lights of the lamps etc. Anything that would harm people´s health is up to discussion. |
Time out: Short meetings at work for follow-ups and summarizing the ongoing tasks and projects. |
Fikapaus: Everyone has the right by law for 2 x 15 minutes pause in Sweden. |
Sekretessavtal: Secrecy contract that you usually sign on your first week of work. |
Sjukanmälan: You have to call to work if you are unable to show up because you are ill. |
Karensdag: You won´t receive any compensation for the first day of absence by Swedish law. If you have to stay at home longer than two weeks the National Insurance Company (Försäkringskassan) takes over the compensation payment for the sick leave from the employer. |
Arbetsskada: If you get hurt at your work you have the right to get help and even for compensation at some cases. Please, make sure you have insurance though. |
Friskvårdsbidrag: It is usually a benefit in form of little amount of money that you can receive from your employer. You are allowed to buy something that improves your general health condition like; gym card, comfortable shoes for work etc. |

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