Swedish Stereotypes. Again. Posted by Marcus Cederström on Sep 30, 2011 in Uncategorized
A while back we wrote about Swedish stereotypes on the blog. Everything from the stereotypical reserved nature of the Swedes to the perceived sexiness of the Swedish population. We received a lot of great comments on the post, Swedish Stereotypes, as well as on the Facebook page. One thing that was mentioned a few times, and it seems like you just can’t get away from it, is the attractiveness of the Swedish people. It’s a stereotype that seems to have staying power and it’s one that appears again and again.
Just recently, Metro, a free newspaper that can be found in countries throughout the world, conducted a survey (very scientific I’m sure) measuring the perceived sexiness of different populations. Swedish women came in second in the world, with Swedish men coming in sixth. The Brazilian women took the crown if you’re wondering and the men were beat by the Italians who came in first.
If you’d like to read the article (it’s a short one and a great way to practice your Swedish), check it out here: Svenskar – näst sexigast i världen
And finally, along with the stereotype of the Swedish woman, below you’ll find a quick YouTube clip by Henrik Schyffert. Schyffert is a Swedish comedian who has done a series of clips like this in which he switches back and forth between English and Swedish and tackles some of the funnier parts of Swedish culture, especially the stereotypes. If your Swedish is improving, the clips are a fun way to test your ability to switch back and forth between the languages. It can be tough at times!
While the clip is not offensive, be warned that it does acknowledge the existence of sex.

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“While the clip is not offensive, be warned that it does acknowledge the existence of sex.” <~~made me giggle a bit 😀
Very funny! He kind of speaks Swedish like I do (Svenglish)!
Brilliant, Jag just spent två timmar watching hans clips and nu är jag completely förvirrad! But I bor in a student korridor så it’s ganska normal for our conversations to låter som där.
Marcus Cederström:
Pretty funny, glad you enjoyed it!