Tag Archives: summer
Midsommar: Blommor or Bust! Posted by Chelsea B on Jun 24, 2020

Glad midsommar allihopa / Happy Midsommar everyone! I’ll admit, I’m a little late because midsommar was last week but because it is one of the most popular holidays in Sweden, this wouldn’t be a Swedish blog without a nod to midsommar. An ode to nature and all things summery, Swedes leave cities in droves to…
When I fled the extreme summer in Sweden Posted by Tibor on Aug 15, 2018

We shouldn’t complain, should we? This has been the most amazing summer in Sweden as far as I can remember. We could bath so much and be outside all the time since the beginning of May. Winter? Bring it on! I feel loaded with vitamine-D But it’s also been super dry and Sweden has just…
(Sommarsverige har semesterstängt) Summer Sweden is closed during vacation Posted by Tibor on Jul 27, 2016
Oh so you haven’t yet fixed your new id-card or maybe your EU-health insurance card before leaving for your summer vacation? You might end up having some problems that you haven’t really accounted for, like opening hours, delays, (sommarvikarier) summer substitute staff that work slower and less efficiently. July and August are the most popular…
Problems arising when picking berries in Sweden Posted by Katja on Jul 31, 2012

Right now the berry season is in full bloom. Many people pick berries around their summer cottages (sommar stugor) where a lot of older people live as well. I’m going to tell you about an incident which occurred not too long ago and even surprised me but which however seems to be pretty normal when…
Hostels in Sweden Posted by Transparent Language on Jun 15, 2009

Yeah, it seems to be the coldest beginning of summer in Sweden in the last 50 years or so! Brrr… The calendar says one thing, but the weather – another. Still, summer is summer, and as you’ve probably noticed (or know very well, if you’re Swedish) Swedes tend to believe the calendar more than the…
Summer Festivals in Sweden Posted by Transparent Language on May 20, 2009

I don’t know about you, but for me summer means one thing (well, one among several other equally important things) – music festivals. I’m not sure if this is a sign of my immaturity, or nostalgia for the days when I was young and free and didn’t mind (heck, actually enjoyed!) having mud fights at…
Summer Plans 2009 – Vacationing in Sweden Posted by Transparent Language on May 7, 2009
It’s (almost) the middle of May already. Time’s fun when you’re having flies, or rather, the other way round. The weather may not be very summery yet, or up North – not even very springy yet, but summer is already on everybody’s mind. Yes, it’s time to plan your summer vacation, if you haven’t done…