Tag Archives: vegetarian
The thriving international restaurant life of Gothenburg Posted by Tibor on Mar 6, 2017

Let’s say that if you had moved 10 years ago to Gothenburg you would have found a totally different city. It isn’t surprising. All cities change. But you wouldn’t have found the more fun, continental/international but still Nordic Gothenburg. Good food ten years ago? Forget it. The Nordic cuisine became famous and interesting only in…
Way out West Posted by Tibor on Aug 31, 2016
The Way Out West music festival is one of the biggest events in Gothenburg and also in Sweden. Gothenburg will constantly do things differently than the capital. Sometimes it succeeds sometimes it’s less of an accomplishment. The line-up is fancier and fancier every year and the rumors tell that the management organizing probably the festival…
Food choices in Sweden Posted by Katja on Jan 3, 2011
If you have been to Sweden you might have noticed in restaurants or in supermarkets, how many choices there are for vegetarians, not only vegetarians but vegans, people who don’t tolerant milk or gluten, people who don’t eat pork etc. etc. There are endless substitutes, tofu, soja protein, vegetables, beans, Quorn and many other options…
Vegans, Vegetarians and Organic Food Posted by Transparent Language on Sep 27, 2009

Is it easy to be a vegetarian in Sweden? While I admit, I am a dedicated dead flesh eater, I think that when it comes to vegetarianism, Sweden is a very accommodating country. At least that’s been my experience when hosting and catering for vegetarian friends. Almost every restaurant, and even the tiniest sandwich shop…