Arabic Language Blog

10 Most Common Expressions About Love in Arabic Posted by on Feb 10, 2015 in Arabic Language, Culture, Vocabulary

Marhaba! As you all know, Valentine’s Day (عيد الحب) is just around the corner. Millions around the world celebrate it every year on February 14th. This day of love is usually celebrated with bouquets of red roses, red heart-shaped chocolate boxes and balloons, stuffed bears, heart-shaped jewelry, and various other gifts.

Happy Valentine's Day | Image from Flickr

Happy Valentine’s Day | Image from Flickr

Today, I want to celebrate our common passion and love for Arabic. So how about all you Arabic lovers out there learn the 10 most common expressions about love in Arabic? These are great to impress your family, friends, and a special person in your life. You can also use them in letters, text messages, on social media, and in other writing and speaking venues. As you will soon realize, I have added both the female and male variations of these expressions. So that all you ladies and gents out there are equipped with the right expressions about love in Arabic!! In contrast to my cautionary statements regarding swear words in Arabic, please do feel free to use this expressions as much as you can. Use them in abundance, because this world always needs more love.

Image from Flickr

Image from Flickr

1) Habib Albi (حبيب/حبيبة قلبي)
Love of my Heart (male/female)
Pronounced: HA-BEEB AL-BEE

2) Enta Habibi (انت حبيبي/حبيبتي)
You Are My love (male/female)
Pronounced: IN-TA HA-BE-BEE

3) Ana Bahebak (أنا بحبَك/ بحبِك)
I Love You (male/female)
Pronounced: A-NA BA-HE-BACK

4) Ya Hayati (يا حياتي)
My Life (which means my love)
Pronounced: YA HA-YA-TEE

أنا لحبيبي وحبيبي إلي "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine" From Flickr

أنا لحبيبي وحبيبي إلي
“I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine”
From Flickr

5) Wahashtini (وحشتيني)
I Miss You
Pronounced: WA-HASH-TINI

6) Ya Amar (يا قمر)
My Moon (which means my most beautiful)
Pronounced: YA KAMAR

7) Ya Habib Alby (يا حبيب/حبيبة قلبي)
Love of my Heart
Pronounced: YA HA-BEEB AL-BEE

8) Ya Rouhi (يا روحي)
You are my Soul (which means my dear beloved)
Pronounced: YA ROU-HE

9) Habibi (حبيبي/حبيبتي)
My Love (male/female)
Pronounced: HA-BE-BEE

10) Ya Helo (يا حلو/حلوة)
My Beautiful (male/female)
Pronounced: YA HE-LOW

Happy Valentine's Day | Image from Flickr

Happy Valentine’s Day | Image from Flickr

For now take care and stay tuned for upcoming posts!
Happy Learning!
Happy Valentine’s Day Arabic Lovers!!
نهاركم سعيد

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About the Author: jesa

Salam everyone! Born as an American to two originally Arab parents, I have been raised and have spent most of my life in Beirut, Lebanon. I have lived my good times and my bad times in Beirut. I was but a young child when I had to learn to share my toys and food with others as we hid from bombs and fighting during the Lebanese Civil War. I feel my connection to Arabic as both a language and culture is severing and so it is with you, my readers and fellow Arabic lovers, and through you that I wish to reestablish this connection by creating one for you.


  1. Imane:

    This is very useful, Thanks 🙂

  2. Zainul:

    I really love the arabic language, I think it is a very expressive language. I am learning the arabic language currently so I can better understand the quran ( I am muslim ) I also think the arabic language is the best language to express love 🙂

    • Mary:

      @Zainul Can you give me your Facebook I’d love to get to know you better

  3. الفين إدوارد:

    Thank you very much for your help,this have help me in learning these sweet wordنهاركم سعيد

  4. jesa:

    Salam everyone! I am glad you found this post interesting and useful for your learning purposes 🙂

  5. sasha:

    even though im not muslim i really love to language the way its written is beautiful

    • jesa:

      @sasha Glad to hear that! take care.

      • Abel flores:

        @jesa So true.

    • Allie:

      @sasha Tounhdowc! That’s a really cool way of putting it!

  6. Morteza:

    Thanks a lot

    • jesa:

      @Morteza You’re most welcome Morteza!

  7. Israel Fisher:

    Thank you for posting☺
    Now I can tell my wife I love her in one more language. 1 John 4:8 KJV
    He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

  8. Huguette:

    What is the meaning of “habibti” ?? please

    • jesa:

      @Huguette Salam, you can find the answer to your question in the post above 🙂 (hint: along the lines of my beloved, my darling, my sweetheart)

      • Sarmanne Khalil:

        @jesa @huguette habibti is translated as beloved, my dear, my darling.
        Habibti – female
        Habibi- male

    • Cedarsnstars:

      @Huguette Habibti is the feminine form of habibi, but you can use habibi for a female too. Habibi is a term of endearment equivelent to my dear, sweetheart or my beloved

    • Isabel Grace:

      @Huguette My boyfriend is fluent since his father is Arabic and he was raised in the middle east, he says it means my sweetheart. It is possessive.

    • Nida:

      @Huguette Habibti is use for girls and habibi is for guys.

    • al-Bulgari:

      @Huguette Habibi – ‘beloved’ (vocative, both genders)
      Habib – ‘-||-‘ (nominative, masculine)
      Habiba – ‘-||-‘ (nominative, feminine)

      Ya Habibi! – My darling!
      Yalla Habibi! – My dear God!


      • Mohammed Doma:

        @al-Bulgari I’m sorry but I felt like I should correct you on this
        Habibi means “My beloved” but to be said to a Male.
        Habibti means the same but to be said to a Female.

        Ya Habibi (we use Ya right before any description of the person that we are referring to .. it’s like calling him that name or that title … )

        For example:
        Ya taweel = Hey, tall man! (to be said to a male)
        Ya taweelah = Hey, tall man! (to be said to a female)
        Ya gameel = Hey, beautiful! (to be said to a male)
        Ya gameelah = Hey, beautiful! (to be said to a female)
        Ya Mohammed = Hey, Mohammed
        Ya Sara = Hey, Sara

        so you use Ya to call someone even if he’s in the same room with you .. gonna give him a name or a title that describes him in your phrase? then use Ya right before the name, title or description

        But “Yalla” means something like (Let’s) …
        Yalla beena = Let’s Go!
        Yalla nersem = Let’s paint
        Yalla na’kol = Let’s eat

        Yalla Habibi = Let’s (do whatever) my love
        so it means in general .. Let’s go my love!

        • Mohammed Doma:

          @Mohammed Doma Ya taweel = Hey, tall!** (to be said to a man)
          Ya taweelah = Hey, tall!** (to be said to a female)

    • My Digital Escape:

      @Huguette Habibti = My love

  9. Amy:

    These are great.
    How would a man tell a woman that she is the object of his desire?

  10. Wajid Assad:

    It is absolutely useful…. I have been in Dubai for not so long……. I am sure this is going to help. Thank you.

  11. Miranda:

    Hi! Just a clarification please. When you have male specified, does that mean that that the male speaks that or that it is spoken to a male? Thank!

  12. ahmed:

    hahah seems cool
    thanks jesa
    nice time all

  13. patrizia:

    Arabic word, sounds like fidaayertysh

    usually followed by habibi

    what is fidaayertysh

  14. patrizia:

    also sounds like fadaituk

  15. Shanon:

    My grandfather was in World War II and wrote many love letters to my grandmother always ending in Ana Bahebak. I was told it came from a movie they watched. My mother continued the tradition explaining it was a word meaning “I love you” in another language but I never knew which language. Thank you for posting these words! Now they have so much more meaning.

  16. Mary Bache’ Butler:

    I’m just beginning to learn Arabic since years ago I was able to study it at my university. So I’m trying to catch on opportunity/time lost. Here’s how I practice: I go to where my Catalina macaw(Paco) is and I stand close to him and pronounce several words and expressions. But it’s amazing just how he responds in such a cute way when I say “habibi” to him in various voice-tone changes. He’s such a wonderful practice buddy! He motivates me so much to make it a daily routine.

  17. naqeebah:

    salam alaikum,am new to this site but Alihamdulillah its help me to improve my arabic

  18. sahlee:

    This site is a big help for me to learn arabic. Hope i can see more coz im very interested on it

  19. Melanie:

    I thank you from the depths of my heart. I have a Muslim man who I am deeply in love with and this will help greatly in expressing my love for him in his native language.

    • Melanie:

      @Melanie It’s funny – we share the same name and the same predicament 😉

      • Sheena:

        @Melanie I am in love with an Egyptian Man haha I am trying to learn his language as he speaks to me in it sometimes and I have no idea what he says ?

  20. Mjostiro:

    This is so interesting, with de exodus of different kinds of people, I think we have to learn each others language, especially the important words eg askin for job, food, work, money, water, a place to sleep etc

  21. faruk:

    Thanks I love it

  22. Bea:

    Can I ask what it’s called when you write an Arabic word in English? I’ve been told it’s romanisation or transliteration but neither seem to be it

  23. Sahirra:

    Hi. I am looking for the meaning or translation of the song of Nassif Zeytoun ” Tjawazti Hdoudik”
    Can you help me?



  24. Amaury Gutierrez:

    Salem Jesa,

    Thank you so much for taking your precious time to teach us this beautiful words.

  25. Lyla McIntosh:

    Thank you so much for the recipe. I am Lebanese and I love my cooking. So do my friends.
    Now I can make grape leaves vegetarian style

  26. STEVEN:

    So awesome

  27. Margaret:

    This is wonderful site
    I love Arabic language
    It’s the native language of the love of my life

    • I love the Arabic language I wish I can learn to speak the language My Habibi is Arabic:

      @Margaret Thanks for taking your time

  28. Rowena Rodriguez:

    Thanks God,i know how to Speak Arabic Word now a little bit but everyday i learn how to speak because i have a plan to go to Kuwait, to have a work

  29. Shuvo Islam:

    Very Good My story is I like a girl of lebiya and I’m bangladeshi we study together in bss school in class 7 thats is she is my crush and i wanna say her i love u, will u be mine etc :’ ( Pry for me pleeease..

  30. Raihaaa…:

    Thanks for beautiful arabic i can express my love with these words for my true love…..

  31. Tammy:

    I absolutely love this quick list of endearing terms! I have used these as a reference. Thank you kindly!

  32. Luti:

    I love to learn Arabic language I know e few words sound very interesting

  33. faisal ibrahim:

    when you love someone / you are scared of getting hurt / and you will get hurt .
    so love…’s surrounds every being and extends slowly to embrace all that shall be…………

  34. Tita:

    How do you write and phonetically pronounce “I love you to the moon and back ” in Lebanese arabic?

  35. Courtney:

    Hi!! I was wondering how I would write “forever in my heart” but instead of referring to a love interest I am referring to my child. Thank you kindly!

  36. Samirafox:

    Thank you…really this is very helpfull to me because i want to learn how to speak Arabic good

  37. Habiba habib:

    Why do you pronounce the word qalbi without the q? Why is it pronounced albi?

  38. Sharon:

    Hi anyone can help me for this to read this,,,,‎إشتقب إليها

  39. Dickxon Khay:

    Whaoo! This is really beautiful. I am not a Muslim but I found these words to be very inspiring expecially “Ya Amar”. Can it be used as a name of a person?

  40. Danisco:

    Like the language so much one of top language in the 2 ###Arabiclanguage###

  41. Xaynerb:

    Shukran kaseeran..

  42. Sangeeta Banerjee:

    I am thrilled to see that all of these words are used in Himesh Reshammiya’s second music album Aap se mausiquii – Tonight [sound track]. Thanks for the meaning. I love the songs- Ana omri maak # cyrine ab-del-nour and enta eih by nancy ajram. Can sing them as well.

    • Rubi:

      @Sangeeta Banerjee I’m not arabic but I absolutely love and enjoy singing along to Nancy Ajram, Amr Diab, Nawal AlZoughbi as well as Alabina Ishtar.

  43. Erica Hunter:

    Thanks. I can tell my husband all these beautiful phrases day in and day out. Really appreciate.

  44. Priscilla Lee:

    Assalam-walikum! I am Priscilla in love with a Muslim guy whom I happen to know through a cousin of mine. I love him so much tat I even tried to learn Arabic and urdu so tat I cud write some love notes to him sometimes… but it was not possible but Jesa your helpful phrases did come in handy to express my feelings for him. Thank you so much!!

  45. Jenn:

    I’m in love with a Egyptian man
    Who is a wonderful man and trying to learn Arabic
    This is very helpful
    Thank you.

  46. fll:

    Can you please tell me what does kol li 7asil lik ya albi means in arabic?

  47. zainab:

    it helped alot and i like it

  48. Llyana:

    Hi! Can you tell me a term of endearment that would be added to your child’s name? (like the Japanese add “-chan”)
    Thank you!

  49. Christiana:

    Shukran, I’ve been searching all night (and morning) looking for sweet things to say to my husband in Arabic.

    Especially since this will be our first valentine’s day together. I felt it was important to show him how much I appreciate him. He’s from Lebanon and we have been married for almost 3 months.

    I am still learning arabic 🙂 this helps so much.

  50. Tshego:

    This site is really helpful as I am a South African girl currently dating an Algerian man and he cant speak English well and I also want to show him that i have an interest in his language and surprise him a bit. Other sites are of no help at all.

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