Arabic Language Blog

Archive for May, 2016

Visit me – Fairuz Posted by on May 13, 2016

Did you sing in Arabic before? It is easy and fun with the song below! Visit me is just 3 lines long! Listen to Fairuz and try to join it! It will be very easy, as the lyrics are wirtten and translated on the video! The music is dreamy and nice! Enjoy! زوروني كل سنة…

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Reading Comprehension Answers: Salalah Posted by on May 12, 2016

Ahlan, Arabic lovers! How was the last reading comprehension exercise about the Omani famous city; Salalah? I hope you have found it useful. Anyway, this post is your chance to get feedback and check your answers. Just in case you want to review the passage and questions, kindly click here. الإجــابــات Answers يتحدث المقال عن…

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Reading Comprehension Exercise: Salalah Posted by on May 12, 2016

اِقــرأ المقال  الـتــالــي ثــم أجـــب عـــن الأســئــلـــــــة Read the and following article and then answer the questions:          “تقع مدينة صلالة على الساحل الجنوبي لسلطنة عُمان و تطل على بحر العرب، و هى عاصمة محافظة ظفار و العاصمة الثانية بعد مسقط التى تبعد عنها حوالى 1040 كم. كما أن مدينة صلالة هى ثالث أكبر…

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Saleh Al-Sha’ir: A Declaration of Love Posted by on May 11, 2016

   Ahlan, Arabic lovers! In today’s post, I am presenting a beautiful love poem by a friend; Saleh Al-Sha’ir صالح الشاعر. Is there a relationship between a person’s name and his/her character and/or his/her interests? I do believe yes. “Saleh صــالــح” is an Arabic adjective that means “pious”! Also, “Al-Sha’ir الــشــاعــر” means “the poet”! There…

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Sing with Mashrou’ Leila: Lil Watan Posted by on May 10, 2016

Marhaba! You know by now that I love Mashrou’ Leila’s music. Recently, I shared one of favorite songs from their new album ‘Ibn El Leil.’ Today, I am sharing another great song titled ‘Lil Watan,’ which translates to ‘For the Motherland.’ This song is from their third album called ‘Raasük.’ I am sharing this song…

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Potatoes in Cilantro and Garlic the Lebanese Way Posted by on May 7, 2016

Marhaba! Have you tried one of the tastiest appetizers of the all-time? Potatoes in cilantro and garlic are practically served at every restaurant in Lebanon and other states in the Levant. My wife and I were very happy that most Arabic restaurants in the United States offer this one-of-a-kind appetizer. Today, I am sharing the…

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Learn the 10 Most Common Words about Crime in Arabic (2) Posted by on May 3, 2016

Marhaba! I am positive you learned something new and/or refreshed your memory from the previous post on the 10 most common words about crime in Arabic. Hope you all enjoyed solving the crossword puzzle! In this post I am sharing the answers to the Arabic crossword puzzle and some examples of how you can use…

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