Saleh Al-Sha’ir: A Declaration of Love Posted by Fisal on May 11, 2016 in Arabic Language, Grammar, Vocabulary
Ahlan, Arabic lovers! In today’s post, I am presenting a beautiful love poem by a friend; Saleh Al-Sha’ir صالح الشاعر.
Is there a relationship between a person’s name and his/her character and/or his/her interests? I do believe yes. “Saleh صــالــح” is an Arabic adjective that means “pious”! Also, “Al-Sha’ir الــشــاعــر” means “the poet”! There is an old Arabic saying that applies to our case here. The saying is; “لــكــل امــرىءٍ مــن اســمــه نــصــيــب” which translates as “Everyone has a share of his/her name”. As most Arabic names are real adjectives or names that have meanings, so the saying is often true especially when the person adopts a career or an interest that reflects the meaning or essence of his/her name.
Saleh Al-Sha’ir is an Egyptian university professor, writer and poet. He got his Bachelor degree from Al-Azhar University in 2003 majoring in Arabic Language. His passion and love to the Arabic language pushed him forward to further study the Arabic Syntax الــنــَّــحــْــو, Morphology الــصَّــرف and Poetry الــشــِــعــْــر (Al-Arud عــلــم الــعــَــروض), so he got his Master degree from Cairo University in 2006 and his PhD in 2009. He has taught at many universities in the gulf area and has so many publications. He wrote four volumes of poetry and many articles about the Arabic language.
إعــلانُ حــُــبٍ
A Declaration of Love
أعلنتُ حبي لكى و اختيارى
I declared your love and my choice
و واثقٌ أنا من انتصاري
And I am sure of my triumph
فلا تفكري و لا تثوري
So, don’t think or revolt
و لا تشككي .. و لا تماري
Don’t doubt .. and don’t debate
قضاؤكٍ المحتوم أن تكوني
Your destiny is to be
معي أنا .. في جنتي و ناري
With me .. in my Eden or Hell
إن تهربي مني ترىْ ضياعاً
So if you run away, you get lost
فأنتٍ كوكبي .. و في مداري
As you are my planet .. and in my orbit
و أنتٍ من دوني بلا حياةٍ
And without me, you are lifeless
بلا عبيرٍ .. و بلا ثمارِ
With no fragrance .. no fruits
الحبُّ .. لو تدرينهُ .. ربيعٌ
Love .. if you know .. is a spring
مبتسمٌ .. كطلعة النهار
Smiling .. like daybreak
كالنجمِ .. كالعبير .. كالأماني
Like a star .. like perfume .. like wishes
كالعُشبِ فى السهول و البراري
Like grass in the valleys and deserts
و أنتِ يا حبيبتي نوالي
And you, Baby, are my prize
بعد اشتياقي لكِ و انتظاري
After my yearning and waiting
أجملُ مما كان في خيالي
Prettier than what I thought
أثمنُ من لالىء البحارِ
More precious than sea pearls
أرقُّ من ندى الصباح .. أشهى
More delicate than morning dew .. more delicious
من عبق الزهور فى آذارِ
Than the scent of flowers in March
مبهرةٌ أنتِ بكل شيءٍ
Charming you are in everything
فكيف أخفي عنكِ انبهاري؟
How can I hide my captivation?
معي غدوتِ .. فاسلكي سبيلي
You became mine .. so follow my path
مختارةً .. و قرري قراري
Intentionally .. and decide my decision
و لتقبلي حبي .. فإنَّ حبي
And accept my love .. as my love
بحرٌ .. قراره بلا قرارِ
Is a sea .. whose bottom has no bottom
قلبٌ يحبُّ دونما شروطٍ
A heart that loves unconditionally
هذى هى الحياةُ باختصارِ
That is life in brief
Check us back Soon!
Peace ســلام /Salam/

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About the Author: Fisal
Well, I was born near the city of Rasheed or Rosetta, Egypt. Yes, the city where the Rosetta Stone was discovered. It is a small city on the north of Egypt where the Nile meets the Mediterranean. I am a Teacher of EFL.