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نهاركم سعيد
Sing with Mashrou’ Leila: Lil Watan Posted by jesa on May 10, 2016 in Arabic Language, Culture
Marhaba! You know by now that I love Mashrou’ Leila’s music. Recently, I shared one of favorite songs from their new album ‘Ibn El Leil.’ Today, I am sharing another great song titled ‘Lil Watan,’ which translates to ‘For the Motherland.’ This song is from their third album called ‘Raasük.’ I am sharing this song for two reasons. First, Mashrou’ Leila were recently banned from playing in Amman, Jordan. Though they have had concerts there multiple times, the Government of Jordan felt that their music is a threat to national security. The Jordanian authorities later rectified the situation but it was too late for the band to play to their thousands of fans.
The second reason relates to the ongoing municipal elections in Lebanon. After weeks of hope that different civil society groups will be finally able to change the system through being elected office, the ruling elite tampered with vote counting, as well as violated the electoral process in various ways to ensure that they remain in power. Many in Lebanon are upset that the true representatives of the people were denied their chance to improve living conditions and by extension the deteriorating conditions and affairs of the motherland. As always, I am sharing the song in form of a YouTube video, as well as the lyrics in Arabic and English. Enjoy!
مشروع ليلى — للوطن
Mashrou’ Leila – Lil Watan
غيرنا روض أعاصير ليتحكم بالمصير
Others have tamed hurricanes to control fate
ونحن من النسيم منطير ومنرتد على التدمير
But by a breeze we’re blown away, and to ruin we abate
وبس تتجرأ بسؤال عن تدهور الأحوال
And when you dare ask about the deterioration of affairs
بسكتوك بشعارات عن كل المؤامرات
They silence you with slogans and conspiracy theories
خونوك القطيع كل ما طالبت بتغيير الوطن
The masses accuse you of treason when you demand change in the motherland
يأسوك حتى تبيع حرياتك لما يضيع الوطن
They made you despair so that you sell your rights to save the lost motherland
They told you,
حاج تبشر تع رقصنى شوي
Enough preaching, come dance with me a while
ليش مكشر تع رقصنى شوي
Why are you frowning? Come dance with me a while
علموك النشيد قالوا صراعك مفيد للوطن
They taught you the anthem and said your struggle is good for the motherland
خدروك بالوريد قالوا خمولك مفيد للوطن
They sedated you in the artery and said your sluggishness is good for the motherland
They told you,
حاج تبشر تع رقصنى شوي
Enough preaching, come dance with me a while
ليش مكشر تع رقصنى شوي
Why are you frowning? Come dance with me a while

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About the Author: jesa
Salam everyone! Born as an American to two originally Arab parents, I have been raised and have spent most of my life in Beirut, Lebanon. I have lived my good times and my bad times in Beirut. I was but a young child when I had to learn to share my toys and food with others as we hid from bombs and fighting during the Lebanese Civil War. I feel my connection to Arabic as both a language and culture is severing and so it is with you, my readers and fellow Arabic lovers, and through you that I wish to reestablish this connection by creating one for you.