Archive for February, 2019
Lebanese Tabboule Recipe وصفة التبولة اللبنانية Posted by Anastasia on Feb 28, 2019

Food is one of the most important pillars of our culture. Everything in our life revolves around food and hospitality. Tabboule has been our most celebrated dish since forever! It’s a super fresh, green salad with a lemony twist and crushed wheat. It’s packed with vitamins and minerals and is very healthy! I would suggest…
Grabbing a Taxi/Uber in Jordan Posted by yasmine on Feb 27, 2019

In this post, we’ll talk about some key words and phrases to use when grabbing a taxi or Uber in Jordan. First, why take a cab when you can use Uber or the Arab world alternative “Careem” “كريم”? Well, Uber and Careem have not been welcomed by the existing Jordanian taxi industry or government. Here…
Making comparisons in Arabic Posted by yasmine on Feb 20, 2019

How do we make comparisons المُقارنات in Arabic? It’s actually pretty easy and kind of similar to what we do in English. 😊 Let’s start with simple adjectives such as big كَبير, short قَصير, and fast سَريع. In English you would add an “-er” to the end and get bigger, shorter, faster, etc. In Arabic, the…
How to Introduce Yourself in Arabic Posted by Anastasia on Feb 17, 2019
The Arabic language is a very rich and dense language, making one of the hardest to master in the world even by its population, let alone foreigners. Throughout history, Arabs were known for their hospitality and amicable welcoming nature and still are to this day. Here are some basic phrases* to help us communicate with…
What’s Valentine’s Day like in the Middle East? Posted by yasmine on Feb 13, 2019

I’m sure many of you learning Arabic know the word “حبيبي” meaning “my love”. Valentine’s day عيد الحُب or عيد الفالنتاين is right around the corner. Do you happen to have a حبيبي you are planning to celebrate with? Like many in Amman, Jordan, I grew up watching American movies showing couples having dinner…
Top 5 Tourist Destinations in Lebanon Posted by Anastasia on Feb 10, 2019

Lebanon : the country of the Cedars, the land of orange blossoms and olive trees and the Mediterranean jewel. Lebanon is one of the most touristic Arab countries overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. Here are 5 reasons tourists hit Lebanon every year. Beirut :Beirut is the capital city and star destination of Lebanon. Tourists come in…
“Tawjihi”تَوجيهي Every Jordanian Student’s Nightmare! Posted by yasmine on Feb 6, 2019

If you think you had it hard in high school المَدرسة الثانَوِيّة, ask any Jordanian about their experience تَجْرِبة, and for sure they will have an interesting story to tell about their year as a “Tawjihi” student. What is Tawjihi تَوجيهي? Tawjihi is the General Secondary Education Certification Examination in Jordan and serves to determine يُحَدِد which…