Arabic Language Blog

Archive for July, 2021

Making Appointments in Arabic Posted by on Jul 28, 2021

In this post, we’re going to practice how to make an appointment تَحْديد مَوْعِد in Arabic. We’ll begin with making formal appointments مواعيد رسمية such as an official meeting اجتماع رسمي and a doctor’s appointment مَوعِد عند الطبيب, then we’ll look at how to make an informal appointment مَوعِد غير رسمي with a friend in…

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Ghadames غدامس: The Pearl of the Desert (2) Posted by on Jul 26, 2021

Welcome to the 2nd part of this blog post. We’re still learning about the unique Libyan city المدينة الليبية المميزة of Ghadames مدينة غدامس, in Libya. As you probably remember, this city is a palm oasis in the middle of the desert and for this reason, it was called: ‘The pearl of the desert“, i.e…

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How to Give your Condolences in Arabic التعزية Posted by on Jul 21, 2021

If you happen to know someone who is of the Islamic faith and who has lost a loved one, you may want to know how to express your condolences تعزي in Arabic, since such phrases are taken from both the Quran and Hadith. Knowing how to say at least one of these phrases will mean…

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Ghadames غدامس: The Pearl of the Desert (1) Posted by on Jul 19, 2021

Today, we’re going to learn about a unique city مدينة مميّزة in Libya, called تُسَمَّى بِـ Ghadames غْدَامِسْ. It’s a Berber town مدينة أمازيغية  and is located in the Northwest of Libya وتقع في شمال غرب ليبيا. It’s unique because the town stands in an oasis واحة, in the middle في وسط the desert الصحراء and…

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وَقْت الصَّيف Summer Time Posted by on Jul 14, 2021

It’s very hot! !إنه حار جداً 🌞 In this post, we’re going to talk about summer الصَّيف and everything that gets mentioned when we talk about summer time وقت الصَّيف such as weather الطَّقْس, activities نشاطات, and types of food and drink أكلات ومشروبات. We’ll also watch a weather forecast نشرة جوية in Arabic and…

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Motivational song: “Stay steel” by Tamer Hosny Posted by on Jul 12, 2021

Welcome to a new post  🙂 مرحبا بكم في مدوّنة جديدة. Today, I would like to share with you a song that has been released by the iconic Egyptian singer المغنّي المصري المعروف: Tamer Hosny تامر حسني at the beginning of this year في بداية هذا العام. I came across this song quite recently and thought…

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What Does it Mean to Have a Good Reputation? Posted by on Jul 7, 2021

What comes to mind when you hear the word reputation السُّمْعة? Where you live, in your culture, how important is it to have a good reputation سمعة كويسة? In this post, I thought to talk about the importance of one’s reputation in the Arab world, specifically in Jordan since I’m Jordanian and what it means…

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