Arabic Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

Everyday (cultural) phrases in colloquial Egyptian Arabic: ‘Hope for the best’ (3) Posted by on Sep 26, 2018

Welcome to the third and the last part of this blog post where we’re looking at a song called تفائلوا بالخير ‘wish for the best’ by the Egyptian singer Yasmin Ali. As mentioned in the first and second part of the blog, the song is interesting in terms of the several cultural phrases included in…

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Everyday (cultural) phrases in colloquial Egyptian Arabic: ‘Hope for the best’ (2) Posted by on Sep 19, 2018

Welcome to the second part of this blog post where we’re looking at a song called تفائلوا بالخير ‘wish for the best’ by the Egyptian singer Yasmin Ali. s mentioned in the first part of the blog, these phrases are culturally interesting and thus can sound somewhat funny if were translated literally. It’s for this…

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Everyday (cultural) phrases in colloquial Egyptian Arabic: ‘Hope for the best’ (1) Posted by on Sep 12, 2018

In this post, we’re going to look at a nice song that was quite famous during the previous Ramadan season. The song titled اتْفَائْلُوا بِالْخِيرْ  ‘hope for good’, which is produced in Egyptian Arabic, by the talented singer Yasmin Ali. أَمْرْ وَاقَعْ From a linguistic point of view, the song is very interesting as it’s…

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Where in the Arab world abortion is legal? (2) Posted by on Sep 5, 2018

We’re still looking at a report that addresses the issue of Abortion الإجهاض . In last week’s post, we started listening to an audio clip talking about abortion through telling the story of a Tunisian lady who went through abortion many times. In today’s post, I’m going to provide answers to last week’s questions. You will…

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Where in the Arab world abortion is legal? (1) Posted by on Aug 29, 2018

Abortion الإجهاض  is often a hot topic and is quite controversial جدلي , particularly in Islamic countries and reserved societies المجتمعات المحافظة . Abortion is not a straightforward procedure إجراء in most countries of the world particularly in the Arab world. Arabic countries different in the extent to which they allow abortion to take place…

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The Arabic TV show: Tareeq ‘The path’ (4) Posted by on Aug 22, 2018

Welcome to the fourth part of this post where we are learning about the Arabic series: Tareeq (The path). It’s one of the most popular series in Ramadan 2018 and is starring عابد فهد  Aabed Fahed – a Syrian actor – and نادين نجيم  Nadine Njeim – A Lebanese actress. In this last final part…

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The Arabic TV show: Tareeq ‘The path’ (3) Posted by on Aug 15, 2018

To recap, we’re still – in the third part of this post – looking at the Lebanese series: Tareeq (the path). The two main stars in the series are عابد فهد  Aabed Fahed – a Syrian actor – and نادين نجيم  Nadine Njeim – A Lebanese actress. The series has been very popular in Ramadan…

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