Arabic Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

Listening Comprehension (Sabaʕ Gaar سابع جار) 3 Posted by on Apr 25, 2018

Picking it up where we left last week, we’re still looking at the short scenario from the Egyptian TV show سابع جار  (the seventh neighbour). In this week, I’m going to provide a translation of the same scenario we have been learning the last two weeks in Egyptian and Standard Arabic.   We’re still looking…

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Listening Comprehension (Sabaʕ Gaar سابع جار) 2 Posted by on Apr 18, 2018

In this week’s post, we’re still looking at the short scenario from the Egyptian TV show سابع جار  (the seventh neighbour). As you probably remember, the transcription provided last week was in Egyptian Arabic. This week, however, we’re looking at the Modern Standard version of the same scenario. Make sure you check last week’s transcript…

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Arabic Similes Posted by on Apr 13, 2018

A Simile is a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid (e.g. as brave as a lion) ( In this post, I give some common similes in Arabic. Some of them are similar to English, while others are…

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Listening Comprehension (Sabaʕ Gaar سابع جار) 1 Posted by on Apr 11, 2018

Today’s post is a listening practice, based on a short clip from a very popular TV show that is currently being screened on CBC Drama. The show is called سابع جار  (the seventh neighbour). The show follows the everyday life details of a number of families who live in the same apartment building. This is…

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Some insights into people names in the Arab world Posted by on Apr 4, 2018

People in the Arab world pay a lot of attention to names and put a lot of effort يبذلون الكثير من الجهد into choosing names for their babies’, boys and girls. As a result, names in the Arab world are often interesting with some unique features خصائص مميزة  that perhaps make them stand out. In…

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Languages Using Arabic Scripts [Past and Present] Posted by on Mar 27, 2018

The spread of Islam during the 650-900 AD in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and in South East Asia between 1200 and 1500 AD was inevitably accompanied by the need to be able to read and understand the Book of Islam, the Quran. Around the same time, the Turks and Africans who embraced Islam had similar needs…

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Reading Comprehension Practice 1: عيد النوروز – Nowruz Posted by on Mar 21, 2018

Welcome to this reading comprehension test, based on Nowrus, which is an occasion مناسبة  that is celebrated in many countries around this time of the yearفي هذا الوقت من السنة . This post will be of two parts: the first part (current one) is based on a reading passage about the Nowrus, with a…

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