Arabic Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

Egyptian Arabic Proverbs and their equivalent in Libyan Arabic (2) Posted by on Mar 14, 2018

To pick up where we left last week, we will be looking at two more proverbs in today’s post. As mentioned in last week’s post, we’re going to focus on proverbs حكم – آقوال  in Egyptian Arabic  اللهجة المصرية, which are probably familiar معروفة – متداولة  to many Arabic learners, and we’re going to learn…

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Listening comprehension, women1 Posted by on Mar 12, 2018

In this post, I present the answers of the listening comprehension exercise on the most important issues that Arab women face. The report is from Al-Jazeera. English Questions and Answers: What does a quick look at the situation of Arab women show? A quick look at the situation of Arab women show that there…

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Listening Comprehension, Women Posted by on Mar 12, 2018

In this post, I present a listening comprehension exercise on the most important issues that Arab women face. The report is from Al-Jazeera. Listen the report and answer the questions that follow. You can use the words at the end of the post to facilitate your comprehension. Answer the following questions in English: What does…

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Egyptian Arabic Proverbs and their equivalent in Libyan Arabic (1) Posted by on Mar 7, 2018

In today’s and next week’s posts, we’re going to focus on four proverbs حكم – آقوال  in Egyptian Arabic  اللهجة المصرية, which are probably familiar معروفة – متداولة to many Arabic learners, and we’re going to learn about their equivalent مرادف  in Libyan Arabic, a somewhat less popular dialect. What these three proverbs have in…

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A listening task: Liverpool Arab Art festival (2) Posted by on Feb 28, 2018

Last week, we looked at a listening task regarding the Liverpool Arab Art festival. This week, we’re going to look at the answer. You can also find a list of the most important words and phrases that are mentioned in the video clip. This is a link to the video clip. (The link is a…

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A listening task: Liverpool Arab Art festival (1) Posted by on Feb 21, 2018

Our comprehension task for today is about an amazing, annual سنوي cultural eventحدث ثقافي  that takes place in the city of Liverpool, England every year in the Summer. It’s the Liverpool Arab Art Festival مهرجان ليفربول للفنون والثقافة العربية  (Mahrajaan  Liverpool  lil-funoon  wa  a-thaqaafa  al-ʕarabiya)   Below is a short video clip of the last…

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The 43th anniversary of the death of Um Kulthoom (2) Posted by on Feb 7, 2018

On the 3rd. Feb, which is 3 days ago, is the 43th. Anniversary of the death of Um Kulthoom الذكرى الثالثة والأربعين لوفاة أم كلثوم – the most iconic female singer in Egypt and the Arab world. By watching and listening a short video clip made about her, we will learn some facts about her life…

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