Arabic Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

The 43th anniversary of the death of Um Kulthoom (1) Posted by on Jan 31, 2018

On the 3rd. Feb, which is 3 days away, is the 43th. Anniversary of the death of Um Kulthoom الذكرى الثالثة والأربعين لوفاة أم كلثوم – the most iconic female singer in Egypt and the Arab world. By watching and listening a short video clip made about her, we will learn some facts about her life…

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Minorities in the Arab world, answers Posted by on Jan 29, 2018

This post presents the transcription of the news report and the answers of the listening comprehension exercise presented earlier. Transcription: الأقليات الكبيرة في الوطن العربي، صراعات كامنة وناعمة لم تنفجر في أغلب الأحيان. مجرد الحديث عن الأقليات في المجتمعات العربية كان ولعقود كثيرة من المحرمات لأنها مسألة تمس الوحدة الوطنية والاستقرار كما يزعم الحكام اصطلح…

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Minorities in the Arab world Posted by on Jan 28, 2018

This post presents a listening comprehension exercise in Arabic. Listen to the report on Minorities in the Arab world and answer the questions that follow. You can use the vocabulary list at the end to assist your comprehension.  Answer the following questions in English: How have Arab societies considered talking about minorities and why? Are minorities…

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Make pasta the Libyan way (Makroona Mbakibka – مكرونة مبكبكة) Posted by on Jan 24, 2018

In today’s post, I will introduce you to a traditional Libyan meal called Makroona Mbakibkah  مكرونة (معكرونة) مبكبكة meaning something that is ‘boiling’, referring to its loose, runny tomato sauce. Mbakibka is a traditional Libyan pasta, often quote spicy, but very easy to make. Interestingly enough, it is usually one of the very few meals…

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Hay El-Mataar ‘The Airport Neighbourhood’ Radio Series (2) Posted by on Jan 17, 2018

Welcome to the second part of this post, which is a comprehension task based on the first episode of a Syrian Radio series called Hay El-Mataar حي المطار or the Airport Neighbourhood. The neighbourhood is fictional and the aim of this series was to give a glimpse of Syrian civilians’ lives and how it was affected…

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Hay El-Mataar ‘The Airport Neighbourhood’ Radio Series (1) Posted by on Jan 10, 2018

Today’s post is a comprehension task based on the first episode of a Syrian Radio series called Hay El-Mataar حي المطار or the Airport Neighbourhood. The neighbourhood is fictional and the aim of this series was to give a glimpse of Syrian civilians’ lives and how it was affected by the war in Syria. In the…

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How much do you know about this Arabic country? Posted by on Jan 3, 2018

Libya is an Arabic country دولة عربية  that is located in North Africa شمال إفريقيا , with a coastline on the ساحل مُطلّ على  Mediterranean Sea البحر المتوسط . Libya is bordered by more famous Arabic countries, such as Egypt to the east الشرق, Tunisia to the west الغرب and Sudan to the South الجنوب…

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