Arabic Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

Traditional Drinks from different parts of the Arab world (1) Posted by on Nov 29, 2017

Traditional is always considered good and special in the Arab world, whether it was food, clothes, etc. In this week’s post, we’re going to learn about a number of traditional drinks that are made and consumed in different parts of the Arab world, from Morocco to Syria. What is special about these drinks is that…

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Dates: Different names and uses across the Arab world Posted by on Nov 22, 2017

Dates in Libya

Today, we’re going to learn about some aspects of dates التمر , a very important part of the Arabic culture and something that can be found in very much every Arabic house. Datesالتّمور  are a very popular type of fruit as date palms أشجار النحيل – النخيل   are cultivated يُزرع  across the Arab region, both…

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‘Not your habibti’ Project مشروع أنا مش حبيبتك Posted by on Oct 25, 2017

Today’s post is a comprehension task, based on a short text and audio clip, produced by the BBC Arabic (see video clip below). In this video, you will listen to the founder of the project and the Palestinian activist, Yasmeen Majli, talking about her project ‘Not your habibti’ and its aims.   Earlier last week…

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Names and Titles in Arabic Culture Posted by on Oct 19, 2017

In the Arab World الوَطَن العَرَبِي or العَالَم العَرَبِي, choosing a name for a newborn is in the main influenced by religion, that is it is always Islamic and derived from Arabic language. Some name their babies after a famous or influential person, some after an elder family member, and others follow what is à…

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To my mother Posted by on Oct 13, 2017

In my previous post, I wrote the story of the poem “To my Mother”, originally “A Poem of Apology” by Mahmoud Darwish, and in this post, I present the translation of the poem and the song with English subtitles. أحن إلى خبز أمي وقهوة أمي ولمسة أمي وتكبر في الطفولة يوماً على صدر يومِ وأعشق…

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The theme of nature in Fairuz’s songs (2) Posted by on Oct 11, 2017

In this post, we’re looking at two songs by Fairuz , following the same theme of the previous post. Both are in Lebanese Arabic. – The first song is: شايف البحر Do you see the sea?   شايف البحر شو كبير؟… كبر البحر بحبك Do you see how big the sea is, that big I…

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The story of a poem Posted by on Oct 8, 2017

 This post tells the story of a very famous poem by the great Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish,  called ‘To My Mother’ (إلى أمي). It was originally called an apology to my mother. Mahmoud Darwish tells that he had 3 brothers and 3 sisters, and he was the middle son. When older siblings are given duties, he was…

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