Arabic Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

10 Most Beautiful Mosques in the Arab World Posted by on Sep 19, 2017

Marhaba! For those of you who have had the privilege of traveling to Arab and Muslim countries, you would know that some of the most beautiful mosques in the world exist in the Arab world. Muslims have prided themselves across centuries and in the times of various rulers, empires, and systems to have built beautiful…

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Join the Struggle with Mashrou‘ Leila and Roman Posted by on Sep 9, 2017

Marhaba! It is no secret to anyone that I love the Arabic band Mashrou‘ Leila. I have already featured some of their songs earlier on this blog, Sing with Mashrou’ Leila Kalaam and Sing with Mashrou’ Leila Lil Watan. Today I am going to present you with a fairly new song that they have released…

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A Lebanese song: (Lawn ʕyoon-ak) – The colour of your eyes Posted by on Aug 30, 2017

Today, we’re looking at the lyrics of a popular song by Nancy Ajram, a Lebanese singer. The song (video below) is in the Colloquial Lebanese Arabic.     مَـا فِيِّ أَعِيشْ إِلَّا مَعَكْ I can’t live, but with you..  مَا فِيِّ أَكُونْ إِلَّا إِلَكْ I can’t be, but for you  مَـا فِيِّ أَعِيشْ إِلَّا مَعَكْ…

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How to survive in a restaurant in Egypt? Useful phrases in Egyptian Arabic Posted by on Aug 16, 2017

Today, we’re looking at a near-authentic, restaurant scenario you may come across during your stay in Egypt. The scenario includes many important phrases you’ll need to use to order your meal and pay for it. It also includes important questions that you may be asked by the waiter, from the beginning of your visit till…

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A Lebanese song: (Ism-ak bi-ysharrefny)-Your name brings me honour Posted by on Aug 9, 2017

Today, we’re looking at the lyrics of a popular song by Najwa Karam, a Lebanese singer, who is known for being called ‘The sun of the Arabic song’ شـَمْسْ الأُغْنِيَة العَرَبِيَّة . The song (video below) is in Lebanese Arabic. The song talks about this lady who is telling her husband how honoured she…

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Bibliotheca Alexandrina, answers Posted by on Jul 30, 2017

In this post, I present the answers of the comprehension questions presented earlier on the video of Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Questions and answers:   1- How does the report describe Bibliotheca Alexandrina? The report describes Bibliotheca Alexandrina as one of the most famous libraries in the region and in the world. Later in the report, it…

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Listening Bibliotheca Alexandrina Posted by on Jul 28, 2017

ّThis post presents a listening comprehension exercise on Bibliotheca Alexandrina (مكتبة الاسكندرية). Listen to the report and answer the questions that follow in English: 1- How does the report describe Bibliotheca Alexandrina? 2- What does it present to its users? 3- Who established the old Bibliotheca Alexandrina and when? 4- How many floors does the…

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