Arabic Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

Oscar – Reading Comprehension1 Posted by on Feb 27, 2017

In this post, I present the answers of the comprehension questions presented in my previous post on Oscars 2017. فاز فيلم “مونلايت” بجائزة الأوسكار لأفضل فيلم لهذا العام. وكان “لا لا لاند” مرشحاً لجائزة الأوسكار، وحصل مخرجه داميان تشازيل على جائزة أفضل مخرج. كما حصلت إيما ستون على جائزة أفضل ممثلة عن دورها فيه. وحصل…

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Oscar – Reading Comprehension Posted by on Feb 27, 2017

Read the news story below about Oscars 2017 and answer the questions that follow based on the information provided. فاز فيلم “مونلايت” بجائزة الأوسكار لأفضل فيلم لهذا العام. وكان “لا لا لاند” مرشحاً لجائزة الأوسكار، وحصل مخرجه داميان تشازيل على جائزة أفضل مخرج. كما حصلت إيما ستون على جائزة أفضل ممثلة عن دورها فيه. وحصل…

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The Arabic Guide on Must Know Words about the Oscars Posted by on Feb 26, 2017

Marhaba! My dear Arabic lovers, you all know by now that my wife and I love watching movies and the annual ceremony awards for different categories. In earlier posts, I have raised my frustrations about the selection process for movies and why some actors, short films, or documentaries are excluded from the competition. Tonight, millions…

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Another Milestone for Women in Saudi Arabia (2) Posted by on Feb 25, 2017

Marhaba! I hope you found the recent listening comprehension exercise on the new milestone for women in Saudi Arabia inspiring, noteworthy, and fun. Today, I am sharing the answers to the previous questions in the listening comprehension post. I am also sharing the news story to refresh your memory. The most important objective that I…

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Light and sweet semolina dessert Posted by on Feb 19, 2017

In a previous post, I presented the recipe for semolina dessert (الهريسة), but I found and tried another recipe which is easier and gives better results. Please find the ingredients and preparation method below: Ingredients: 2 cups of semolina (coarse) 1 table spoon of butter 1 cup of yoghurt 1 spoon of baking powder ½…

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How to Cook Lebanese Bulgur With Tomatoes Posted by on Jan 31, 2017

Marhaba! It has been a while since I last shared a recipe with you dear Arabic lovers. No worries, I want you all to know that my wife and I are still cooking very tasty Middle Eastern dishes and our friends keep asking us for more and more dishes, as well as recipes. Today, I…

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Sing with Fairouz: How Many People Were There Posted by on Jan 28, 2017

Marhaba! We are going through patchy roads and uncertain times, and it is hard to come across a hopeful news story from anywhere around the globe. But why waste time on things that we cannot change? Let’s focus on something much more interesting, useful, and fun. Given that I know that all you dear Arabic…

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