Arabic Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

The Most Important Facts about the 2016 Summer Olympics in Arabic (2) Posted by on Aug 7, 2016

Marhaba! I am confident you found the reading comprehension exercise on the ongoing Summer Olympics in Rio useful and interesting. I am following some of the competitions, and I am always happy with how graceful most athletes celebrate victory and accept defeat. Today, I am sharing the answers to the previous questions in the reading…

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Queens of Syria, Listening 1 Posted by on Jul 29, 2016

This post presents the answers of the listening comprehension exercise and the transcription of the story.  Transcription: وجدت فاطمة وريم سوريتان نزحتا بسبب الحرب في بلدهما العزاء في المسرح والتمثيل. وفي إنتاج بدأ لأول مرة كمشروع شعبي عام 2013 تم اقتباس وتعديل مسرحية “ملكات سوريا” عن مأساة يوربيدس “نساء طروادة” وسوف تقوم بالتمثيل فيها نساء…

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Queens of Syria, Listening Posted by on Jul 29, 2016

Listen to the story below and answer the questions that follow. You only need the first minute of the video. You can use the additional vocabulary list to assist your comprehension. A. Translate the following sentence: وجدت فاطمة وريم سوريتان نزحتا بسبب الحرب في بلدهما العزاء في المسرح والتمثيل. B. Answer the following questions in…

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Onsi El-Hajj; (1937 – 2014) Posted by on Jul 27, 2016

     Ahlan, Arabic lovers! Today Google Doodle Middle East celebrates the 79th Birthday of the Lebanese poet Onsi El-Hajj أُنسي الحاج. Onsi El-Hajj is a famous contemporary poet, journalist and translator. He had a great influence on Arabic Modern Literature in general and poetry in particular. He was the first to introduce the “prose…

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Prepare Potato Salad the Lebanese Way Posted by on Jul 26, 2016

Marhaba! It’s summer and as you know from my previous post on grilling chicken the Lebanese way, it’s the perfect season for barbecuing and enjoying time with family. Today, I want to teach you how to prepare potato salad the Lebanese way. I know this is a very popular side/appetizer in many countries, I firmly…

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Yogurt Drink Posted by on Jul 25, 2016

It is a hot summer! On hot summer days, there is a popular drink based on yogurt that we have in Egypt. It is very easy to prepare and it is very refreshing and nice. In a mixer or milk shake maker, mix of yogurt, milk, ice, sugar as desired and mix in the mixer…

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Queens of Syria Posted by on Jul 24, 2016

This week, I have been privileged to watch Queens of Syria! The Queens of Syria are 13 refugee women in Jordan who started to work on this performance together with a group of British and Syrian theater producers in Amman starting 2013. Like all the audiences, I felt that the performance was moving and powerful!…

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