Arabic Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

A Milestone for Women in Saudi Arabia Posted by on Mar 19, 2016

Marhaba! From recent posts, especially ones on International Women’s Day, you would know by now that I believe in gender equality and hope that in my lifetime that these issues will be finally resolved. As you might know already that in many countries around the globe there is a still a glass ceiling that prevents…

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Reading – Best Teacher, answers Posted by on Mar 17, 2016

In this post, I present the answers of the reading comprehension exercise presented earlier. The vocabulary list at the end of the post can be used to aid comprehension. فلسطينية تفوز بلقب المعلم الأفضل في العالم   فازت المعلمة الفلسطينية حنان الحروب بلقب “المعلم الأفضل” على مستوى العالم في التعليم، وذلك لتميزها بمبادرة تعليمية حملت شعار…

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To Beirut With Love Posted by on Mar 16, 2016

Marhaba! If you have been following the news lately and previous posts on Lebanon, you were well aware that the small and beautiful Arab state on the Mediterranean Sea is engulfed in a severe trash crisis. A few days ago, the biggest news corporations around the world, including CNN and BBC, shared gruesome pictures of…

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Reading Comprehension – Best Teacher Posted by on Mar 14, 2016

In this post, I present a reading comprehension exercise in Arabic. Read the story and answer the questions that follow. You can use the vocabulary list at the end of the post to facilitate your comprehension. فلسطينية تفوز بلقب المعلم الأفضل في العالم   فازت المعلمة الفلسطينية حنان الحروب بلقب “المعلم الأفضل” على مستوى العالم في…

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Happy Women’s Day in Arabic! (2) Posted by on Mar 13, 2016

Marhaba! I hope you found the reading comprehension exercise on Women’s Day in Arabic interesting and useful. I am amazed by how much one can learn from newspaper articles, if of course they are based on good research. Today, I am sharing the answers to the previous questions in the reading comprehension post and the…

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Arabic Coffee Posted by on Mar 11, 2016

A dear relative presented me with some Arabic coffee, which I love very much, but I do not know how to make. I have looked up how to make it and I am now ready to go ahead with it. This is the result of my search on the best ways to prepare Arabic coffee (القهوة…

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Happy Women’s Day in Arabic! Posted by on Mar 9, 2016

Marhaba! Happy Women’s Day to everyone around the globe and especially our amazing Arabic lovers! In the past I have shared some thoughts on International Women’s Day and I believe that this is a glorious and annual occasion to celebrate diversity, gender equality, respect, and admiration for every single thing that women have achieved over…

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