Arabic Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

Farewell ‘Starman’: A Fitting Tribute to David Bowie in Arabic Posted by on Jan 12, 2016

Marhaba! The world has lost a legend. David Bowie was a cultural, iconic, and musical artist that redefined popular culture through his unique compositions and song writing over the last four decades. His music has reached millions of people around the world through a number of venues: motion films, musical albums, concerts, renditions of his…

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Cairene Arabic; What? Why? How? Posted by on Jan 5, 2016

   Ahlan, Arabic lovers! In the post entitled The Arabic Headache; Dialect!, we discussed the differences between Classical Arabic, Modern Standard Arabic and other Arabic dialects. We were introduced to a brief history of the Arabic language and how it developed into so many languages or dialects. We were also introduced to the main differences…

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Arabic! Which Arabic? Posted by on Dec 30, 2015

   Ahlan, Arabic lovers! Today, I am going to continue my previous discussion about the Arabic language phenomenon that may have given a lot of people a headache (check my previous post The Arabic Headache; Dialect!). I will try to be brief and accurate as far as I can especially when there is no such…

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Christmas tree, answer Posted by on Dec 28, 2015

In this post, I present the answer of the listening comprehension exercise and the transcription of the report on the most expensive Christmas tree in the world. Transcription: كشف فندق قصر الإمارات في العاصمة أبو ظبي عن أغلى شجرة ميلاد في العالم. الشجرة التي يبلغ ارتفاعها ثلاثة عشر متراً وضعت في بهو الفندق. احتفال بالغ…

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The most expensive Christmas tree Posted by on Dec 28, 2015

In this post, I present a listening comprehension exercise on the most expensive Christmas tree in the world. Listen to the report and answer the questions that follow. If you need help with vocabulary, check the end of the post. Answer the following questions in English: 1- Where is the most expensive Christmas tree displayed?…

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Nazik Al-Malaika, Cholera Posted by on Dec 27, 2015

  Nazik Al-Malaika (August 23, 1923 – 20 June 2007]) (Arabic: نازك الملائكة‎) is an Iraqi female poet and is considered by many to be one of the most influential contemporary Iraqi female poets. Al-Malaika was born in Baghdad to a cultured family. Her mother was also a poet, and her father was a teacher…

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Celebrations Posted by on Dec 24, 2015

On the 23rd of December 2015, most Muslims around the world celebrated the birth of Prophet Mohammed (المولد النبوي), and on the 25th of 2015, Christians in many countries celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, or Christmas (عيد الميلاد). It is very inspiring and meaningful to have both occasions celebrated so close to each other…

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