Arabic Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

Arab Nobel Laureates Posted by on May 27, 2015

    Ahlan, Arabic lovers! We all know or heard about the Nobel Prize that is given to astonishing works of Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, Peace and Economic Sciences. Alfred Nobel (1833 – 1896) was a Swedish chemist, engineer and innovator. He invented Dynamite. On 27 November 1895, at the Swedish-Norwegian Club in Paris, Nobel…

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Conversation in Arabic1 Posted by on May 25, 2015

 Ahmed and Henry are friends. They are talking to each other in Arabic today. Can you understand what they are talking about? If you have a friend learning Arabic, you can try to carry out the same conversation with them! أحمد: السلام عليكم يا هنري، كيف حالك؟ هنري: وعليكم السلام يا أحمد، أنا بخير، الحمد…

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8 Reasons To Visit the Arab World NOW Posted by on May 24, 2015

Marhaba! We are all passionate about learning Arabic. Through solving crossword puzzles, answering comprehension exercises, and learning grammar, we all long to getting closer and closer to perfecting our reading, speaking, and writing skills. Bearing in mind the importance of learning from our valuables resources on the Arabic Transparent Blog and our website, today I…

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Herbal medicines for stomach ache Posted by on May 18, 2015

In the Arab world, herbal medicines are very common! When I was younger, we used to go to the dry grocer (العطار) whenever we suffer from minor aliments like stomach ache, constipation, cough, common cold, etc. He would give me herbs and tell me how to use them! By time, this practice became less and…

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“Like Angels”; Amr Diab Posted by on May 17, 2015

    Ahlan Arabic fans! Today I am presenting a beautiful song by Amr Diab عــَـــمــْـــرو دِيــَـــاب . The song is widely known by the name “Like Angels زى الــمــلايــكــة” though in the album it has the name of “She is Indescribable مــا يــتــحــكــيــش عــلــيــهــا“. In the song, Amr compares his beloved to angels. He…

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Crab recipe Posted by on May 11, 2015

Do you like to eat crab? In this post, I give you my own recipe for cooking crab! Ingredients: Crabs Onion Garlic Tomato Chilli pepper Oil Lemon Salt Black pepper Cumin   Preparation Wash the crabs and clean them thoroughly. Put the crabs in an oven tray. In a food processor mix the onion, garlic…

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A Love Letter To Mom Posted by on May 10, 2015

أمى الحبيبة        هذا ابنك يكتب لكى فى يومك. نعم، يومك! لقد جعلوا لكى يوماً ، و لو سألونى لقلت أن كل الأيام لكى .. و كيف لا تكون لكى و أنتِ سبب وجودى فى هذه الحياة! إن كل الكلمات فى كل اللغات تقف عاجزةً عن التعبير عن مدى حبى لكى . فقد كتب الشعراء…

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