“Like Angels”; Amr Diab Posted by Fisal on May 17, 2015 in Arabic Language, Culture, Pronunciation, Vocabulary
Ahlan Arabic fans! Today I am presenting a beautiful song by Amr Diab عــَـــمــْـــرو دِيــَـــاب . The song is widely known by the name “Like Angels زى الــمــلايــكــة” though in the album it has the name of “She is Indescribable مــا يــتــحــكــيــش عــلــيــهــا“. In the song, Amr compares his beloved to angels. He describes how much he loves her and how long he has waited for this time. The songs falls in the 14th album of “Rag’een راجــعــيــن” that was released in 1995. The words of the song were written by the song writer, Magdi Al-Naggar مــجــدى الــنــجــار. It was composed by Yasser Abdel-Rahman يــاســر عــبــد الــرحــمــن . The song is about 5:22 minutes long and is in the Egyptian dialect like all of Amr Diab’s songs. It has very beautiful music. Amr Diab’s music style is a distinguished mixture of the eastern and western music. I did the English translation for the song and I hope you will love it.
Like Angels زى الــمــلايــكــة /zay el-malaykah/
مــا يــتــحــكــيــش عــلــيــهــا
She is indescribable
زي الــمــلايــكــة أمــَّــا تــشــوفــهــا
Like angels when you see her
وردايــة تــحــلــم تــقــطــفــهــا
A rose that you dream to pick up
مــا يــتــحــكــيــش عــلــيــهــا
She is indescribable
دا أنــا لــســه فــاكــر مــن يــومــهــا
I still remember since that day,
ســاعــة مــا كــنــت بــأكــلــمــهــا
When I was talking to her,
ضــحــكــتــهــا و عــنــيــهــا
Her laughing and her eyes
مــا يــتــحــكــيــش عــلــيــهــا
She is indescribable
أجــمــل مــا فــيــهــا الــلــي واخــدنــي
The most beautiful thing in her that takes me is
ضــحــكــة بــريــئــة بــتــوعــدنــي
Her innocent laughing that promises me
دي حــاجــات كــتــيــر بــأحــلــم بــيــهــا
These are so many things I dream of
أنــا مــن زمــان مــســتــنــيــهــا
I am for long waiting for it
لــكــنــي مــش هــأحــكــيــهــا
But I will not tell
مــايــتــحــكــيــش عــلــيــهــا
She is indescribable
زي الــمــلايــكــة أمــَّــا تــشــوفــهــا
Like angels when you see her
وردايــة تــحــلــم تــقــطــفــهــا
A rose that you dream to pick up
مــا يــتــحــكــيــش عــلــيــهــا
She is indescribable
دا أنــا لــســه فــاكــر مــن يــومــهــا
I still remember since that day,
ســاعــة مــا كــنــت بــأكــلــمــهــا
When I was talking to her,
ضــحــكــتــهــا و عــنــيــهــا
Her laughing and her eyes
مــا يــتــحــكــيــش عــلــيــهــا
She is indescribable
كــان حــلــم عــمــري الــلــى لــقــيــتــه
She was the dream of my life that I have found
كــان كــل شــيء اتــمــنــيــتــه
She was everything I wished for
حــبــيــتــهــا كــده زي مــا هــي
I loved her as she is
ضــحــكــتــهــا مــش ضــحــكــة عــاديــة
Her laughing is not that normal
تــوصــفــهــا تــلاقــيــهــا
That when you describe, you find
مــا يــتــحــكــيــش عــلــيــهــا
She is indescribable
زي الــمــلايــكــة أمــَّــا تــشــوفــهــا
Like angels when you see her
وردايــة تــحــلــم تــقــطــفــهــا
A rose that you dream to pick up
مــا يــتــحــكــيــش عــلــيــهــا
She is indescribable
دا أنــا لــســه فــاكــر مــن يــومــهــا
I still remember since that day,
ســاعــة مــا كــنــت بــأكــلــمــهــا
When I was talking to her,
ضــحــكــتــهــا و عــنــيــهــا
Her laughing and her eyes
مــا يــتــحــكــيــش عــلــيــهــا
She is indescribable.
Check us back soon
Peace ســَـــلام /Salam/

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About the Author: Fisal
Well, I was born near the city of Rasheed or Rosetta, Egypt. Yes, the city where the Rosetta Stone was discovered. It is a small city on the north of Egypt where the Nile meets the Mediterranean. I am a Teacher of EFL.