Arabic Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

TbAhij: Libyan Dish to serve during Ramadan Posted by on Apr 19, 2021

We’re one week into Ramadan. So, Ramadan Kareem رمضان كريم again   to those serving this month of fasting 🙂 I would like to introduce to a savoury Libyan dish; it’s called TbAhij طْباهِجْ. It’s a traditional dish طبق تقليدي that is considered an appetiser يعتبر نوع من المقبلات or a side dish أو طبق…

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Another Ramadan رَمَضان During the Coronavirus Pandemic Posted by on Apr 14, 2021

Ramadan رَمَضان is here so رَمَضان كَريم! ☺Despite this being the second رَمَضان during the pandemic, many people are still trying to keep the رَمَضان spirit going. In this post, I thought we’d first read a news update in Modern Standard Arabic regarding the danger of gatherings during رَمَضان in Middle Eastern countries. We’ll then…

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Ramadan came to us رمضان جانا Posted by on Apr 12, 2021

Ramadan Kareem رمضان كريم   to those serving this month of fasting 🙂 It’s just been announced  in – Saudi Arabia – that tomorrow is the first day of Ramadan غدًا هو أول أيام رمضان. So, I would like to share with you an old song that celebrates the start of Ramadan. It’s in Egyptian…

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Helping homeless cats during the pandemic Posted by on Apr 6, 2021

We all probably heard of cat cafes مقاهي القطط before, but not many of us heard of a café for homeless cats مقهى للقطط المشرّدة! Yes, there is one! In Sweden J Unlike in other countries, the café stayed open المقهى ظل مفتوحًا during the pandemic خلال الجائحة  and the demand الطلب  is higher أعلى…

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Mother’s Day: how did it start? (part 2) Posted by on Mar 26, 2021

Welcome to the second part of this blog post. In the previous post, we started learning about Mother’s Day عيد الأم and how it’s differently celebrated around the world. In today’s post, you will have another exercise to work on. Also, you will be able to check your answers to last week’s exercise…

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Mother’s Day: how did it start? (part 1) Posted by on Mar 22, 2021

Welcome to a new post. Yesterday, the Arab world celebrated Mother’s Day عيد الأم. As you probably know, countries around the world celebrate this occasion on different dates في تواريخ مختلفة and in different ways بطرق مختلفة . Below is a video clip, by Cairo Time, which briefly talks about this difference. In today’s post and…

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How to make Libyan Shakshooka? Posted by on Mar 15, 2021

Welcome to a new post. In today’s post, I will introduce you to a traditional Arabic meal  وجبة عربية تقليدية that is called Shakshooka شكشوكة , which means something that is mixed and put together, referring to the way this meal is cooked. Below, I will show you the Libyan version of it الطريقة الليبية…

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