Ramadan came to us رمضان جانا Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Apr 12, 2021 in Arabic Language, Culture, Film & Theater, History, Music, Pronunciation, Religion, Vocabulary
Ramadan Kareem رمضان كريم
to those serving this month of fasting 🙂 It’s just been announced in – Saudi Arabia – that tomorrow is the first day of Ramadan غدًا هو أول أيام رمضان. So, I would like to share with you an old song that celebrates the start of Ramadan. It’s in Egyptian Arabic and it’s called: Ramadan came to us رمضان جانا. The song is uniquely associated with Ramadan and it’s very much the first song that would come to the mind of most Muslims in the Arab world when they think of Ramadan. The post provides the lyrics of the song in Egyptian Arabic and English.
Here is the رمضان جانا song 🙂
كلمات الأغنية
رمضان جانا
Ramadan came to us
وفرحنا به
and we’re overjoyed with it
بعد غيابه
After its absence
وبقاله زمان
And it has been a while
:غنّوا وقولوا
Sing and say it
شهر بطوله
an entire month
:غنّوا وقولوا
Sing and say it:
أهلا رمضان
Welcome Ramadan!
رمضان جانا
Ramadan came to us
أهلا رمضان
Welcome Ramadan!
قولوا معانا
Say with us
= = = = = = =
بتغيب علينا وتهجرنا
You go away and abandon us
وقلوبنا معاك
and our hearts with you
وفي السنة مرة تزورنا
And once a year, you visit us
And we await you
من امتى واحنا بنحسبلك
for so long we take you into consideration
ونوضّبلك ونرتّبلك
And we prepare and arrange things for you
أهلا رمضان جانا
Welcome Ramadan, it came to us
قولوا معانا
Say with us
أهلا رمضان جانا
Welcome Ramadan, it came to us
أهلا رمضان
Welcome Ramadan!
رمضان جانا
Ramadan came to us
أهلا رمضان
Welcome Ramadan!
رمضان جانا
Ramadan came to us
= = = = = = =
يوم رؤيتك لمّا تجينا
The day of seeing you when you come to us
زى العرسان
You look like a groom and a bride
نفرح وننصب لك زينة
We become overjoyed and set up decorations for you
أشكال وألوان
in all shapes and colours
في الدخلة نبقى نطّبلك
When you enter, we bang drums for you
ونهلّلك آه ونقولك
And we cheer for you and say
أهلا رمضان جانا
Welcome Ramadan, it came to us
قولوا معانا
Say with us
أهلا رمضان جانا
Welcome Ramadan, it came to us
أهلا رمضان
Welcome Ramadan!
رمضان جانا
Ramadan came to us
أهلا رمضان
Welcome Ramadan!
رمضان جانا
Ramadan came to us
= = = = = = =
يا مسحّراتي دوقلنا
Oh Mesaharaty, bang your drum
تحت الشبّاك
under the window
سمّعنا وافضل غنيّلنا
Make us hear and keep singing for us
للفجر معاك
Until the dawn
واعمل ليلاتي هولّيلة
And make a big noise every night
ثلاثين ليلة
30 nights
حلوة جميلة
Sweet and beautiful
أهلا رمضان جانا
Welcome Ramadan, it came to us
قولوا معانا
Say with us
أهلا رمضان جانا
Welcome Ramadan, it came to us
أهلا رمضان
Welcome Ramadan!
رمضان جانا
Ramadan came to us
أهلا رمضان
Welcome Ramadan!
رمضان جانا
Ramadan came to us
= = = = = = =

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