Common cold is one of the common illnesses that affect most people. It is caused by a viral infection that affects the respiratory system. In this post, I present Arabic vocabulary related to the topic of common cold.
Common cold = برد / نزلة برد
Infection = عدوى
Virus = فيروس
Disease = مرض
Infectious disease = مرض معدٍ
Flu = انفلونزا
Symptoms = أعراض
Cough =سعال / كحة
Sore throat = احتقان في الزور
Runny nose = رشح
Headache = صداع
Fatigue = تعب / إرهاق
Loss of appetite = فقدان شهية
Fever = ارتفاع في درجة الحرارة / حمى
Sneezing = عطس
Prevention = الوقاية
Hand washing = غسل اليدين
Treatment = العلاج
Pain relief = مسكن للألم
Anti-biotic = مضاد حيوي
Anti-viral = مضاد فيروسي
Vitamin C = فيتامين ج