Do you have any doubt !? Posted by Fisal on Nov 27, 2011 in Arabic Language, Culture, Grammar, Pronunciation, Vocabulary
Today, I present a love poem by the great Syrian poet; Nizar Qabbani نزار قبانى. Nizar has written a lot of poetry in different topics. He is famous all over the Arab World. His words are very delicate and his style is so simple and passionate. The poem is in Fus’ha and is called; “هل عندكِ شكٌ” which literally means “Do you have any doubt!?“. In the poem, Kazem is confessing and confirming his love and lamenting his inner suffering as a result of this indescribable love. I did the translation into English and I hope you will enjoy it.
هـَـل عـِـنـدَكِ شـَـكٌ … !؟
Do You Have Any Doubt … !?
هـل عـنـدكِ شـكٌّ أنـكِ أحْـلى و أغـْـلـى امـرأةٍ فـي الـدنـيــا ؟
Do you doubt that you are the sweetest and dearest woman in the world ?
وأهـمُّ امـرأةٍ فـي الـدنـيــا ؟
And the most important woman in the world?
هـل عـنـدكِ شـكٌّ أن دخـولـكِ فـي قـلـبـي
Do you doubt that your entry to my heart
هـو أعـظـمُ يـومٍ فـي الـتــاريــخ ..
Is the greatest day in history
وأجـمـلَ خـبـرٍ فـي الـدنـيــا ؟
And the prettiest news ever?
هـل عـنـدكِ شـكٌّ أنـكِ عـُـمْــري و حـيــاتـي ؟
Do you doubt that you are my life?
وبـأنـي مـِن عـَـيـنَـيـْـكِ سـَرقــتُ الـنـّـَارَ ..
And that I stole the fire from your eyes,
وقـُـمـتُ بـأخـْـطـرِِ ثـوراتـِـي ؟
And did my most dangerous revolution?
أيـتـُهـَا الـوردة ُ .. والـريـحـانـة ُ .. والـيـَـاقــُـوتـةُ
O, you .. rose .. basil .. sapphire
والسُـلـطــانــَـة ُ .. والـشـَـعـبـيــة ُ ..
Majesty .. popular
والـشـرْعـِـيـــة ُ .. بـيــنَ جـمـيـعِ الـمَـلِـكـــاتِ ..
And legal .. amongst all queens
يـا قــَـمـَـراً يـَـطـلــعُ كـُـلّ مَـســاءٍ مـِن نـافــذةِ الـكـلـمَــاتِ ..
O, moon, that comes out every night from the window of words
يـا آخـرَ وطــنٍ أُُولــَـدُ فـِـيـــهِ ..
O, you .. last home in which I will be born
وأُدْ فــَــنُ فـيــهِ ..
And will be buried
وأنـشـُـرُ فـيــهِ كـتــابــاتــي ..
And my writings will be published.
غـالـيـتـي أنـتِ .. غـالـيـتـي ..
You, my dearest,
لا أدري كـيـفَ رمـانــي الـمــوجُ عـلـى قــَـدَمَـيـْـكِ
I don’t know how the sea threw me on your feet
لا أدري كـيْــفَ مَـشــيْــتِ إلـيَّ ..
I don’t know how you walked to me
وكـيْــفَ مَـشــيـْـتُ إلـيْـــكِ ..
And how I walked to you
دَافـِـِئـَـة ٌ أنـْـتِِ كـَـلــَـيـْــلــَـةِ حُــبٍ ..
Warm, you are, as a night of love
دَافـِـِئـَـة ٌ أنـْـتِِ كـَـلــَـيـْــلــَـةِ حُــبٍ ..
Warm, you are, as a night of love
مِـن يـَـوْم ِ طــَـرَقــْـتِ الـبـَــابَ عَـلـيَّ , اِبــْـتــدَأ الـعُــمـْـر ..
Since the day you knocked on my door, my life has started.
هـل عـنـدكِ شـكٌّ ..
Do you doubt ..
هـل عـنـدكِ شـكٌّ أنـكِ أحْـلى و أغـْـلـى امـرأةٍ فـي الـدنـيــا ؟
Do you doubt that you are the sweetest and dearest woman in the world?
هـل عـنـدكِ شـكٌّ ..
Do you doubt ..!
وأهـمُّ امـرأةٍ فـي الـدنـيــا ؟
And the most important woman in the world?
هـل عـنـدكِ شـكٌّ ..
Do you doubt ..!
كـَـمْ صـَـارَ رَقـِــيــقـــاً قــَـلـبــِـي ..
How delicate my heart turned to be
حـِــيـنَ تـعَــلـَّــمَ بـَـيـْــنَ يـَـدَيــْـكِ ..
When it was taught on your hands !
كـَـمْ كــَـان كـَـبـيــراً حـَــظــِّـي ..
How lucky was I
حـِـيـن عـَـثــَـرْتُ يـَا عـُـمْـري عـَـلـَـيـْـكِ ..
When I found you, my Life !
يـَـا نــَـاراً تـجـتــاحُ كِـــيــَـــانــِـي
O, you, fire that sweeps me
يــَـا فــَـرَحــَــاً يـَـطــرُدُ أحـْـزانـِـى
O, you, joy that dismisses my sorrows
يــَـا جـَسَــداً يـقـطــعُ مـِثـــلَ الـسَــيـْـفِ ،
O, you, body that cuts like a sword
ويـَـضـْـرِبُ مِـثـــلَ الـبـُـرْكــَــانِ ..
And beats like a volcano
يـَـاااا .. يـَــا وجــهـــاٌ يـَـعـبــِـقُ مـثــلَ حـُـقــُـولِ الــوردِِ
O, O, you, face that smells like rose fields
ويـركــُضُ نـحــوي كـَـحـِـصــَـانِ ..
And runs towards me like a horse
قــُـولـِـي .. قــُـولـِـي .. قــُـولـِـي .. قــُــولـِـي ..
Say .. say .. say .. say
قــُــولــِـي لــِـي … قــُــولــِـي لــِـي :
Tell me .. tell me :
كـيـْــفَ سـَـأنــْـقــِــذ ُ نـفــســِـي مـن أشــواقِـي و أحــزانـِـى ؟
How shall I save myself from my nostalgia and sorrows ?
قــُــولــِـي لــِـي … قــُــولــِـي لــِـي :
Tell me .. tell me :
مَـاذا أفـعـَـــلُ فـِــيــكِ؟ أنــَــا فـي حـَـالــَــةِ إدمـَــانِ !
What should I do? I am addicted !
قــُــولــِـي لــِـي … قــُــولــِـي لــِـي :
Tell me .. tell me :
قــُــولــِـي : مَـا الـحــَــلُّ ؟ فــَــأشــْــواقـِــي وصـَــلـت لِــحــُـدودِ الـهـَــذيـَـان ..!!
Tell me : What is the solution? My nostalgia has reached delirium !!
قاتلتي .. ترقصُ حافيةَ القدمينِ .. بمدخلِ شرياني
My killer .. dances barefoot .. at the entrance of my artery
قاتلتي .. ترقصُ حافيةَ القدمينِ .. بمدخلِ شرياني
My killer .. dances barefoot .. at the entrance of my artery
قاتلتي .. ترقصُ حافيةَ القدمينِ .. بمدخلِ شرياني
My killer .. dances barefoot .. at the entrance of my artery
مِن أينَ أتيتِ ؟
From where did you come ?
وكيفَ أتيتِ ؟
And how did you come ?
و كيف عصفتِ بوجداني ؟
And how did you overthrow my heart ?
Check us back soon
Peace سلام /Salam/

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About the Author: Fisal
Well, I was born near the city of Rasheed or Rosetta, Egypt. Yes, the city where the Rosetta Stone was discovered. It is a small city on the north of Egypt where the Nile meets the Mediterranean. I am a Teacher of EFL.
wow, really loved the lyrics , please please post some songs like these regularly with the
thanks again ya akhi.
translations for those of us who dont understand
Hello Fisal,
That is simply wonderful. I studied last week another poem from this same writter, is is called يدكِ your hand. It was my first contact with this author.
@Juan Hello Juan,
We are very happy that you find our site helpful.
Hello again,
Can you please explain the word “قُــمْـتُ”, I cannot understand it. Is it a verb?, what are the root letters?
@Juan Hello again Juan,
Yes the word “قُمْتُ” is a verb. The root is the verb ” قَامَ ” which can mean “stood up” or if followed by the preposition ” بـ ” means “did = فَعَلَ ” …… Examples: قام محمد من على الكرسى = Mohammad stood up from the chair ….. قام محمد بشراء سيارة = Mohammad did buy a car …. It can also mean “to get up from sleep يستيقظ ” Ex. قام محمد من نومه متأخراً = Mohammad got up late. قام / قامت / يقوم / تقوم / أقوم / قما / قامتا / قاموا / قمن
You are welcome Juan .
Thank you very much Fisal,
Your explanation and examples were just perfect.
free history:
I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more. Thanks for great info I was looking for this info for my mission.