Image from alkhaleej.ae
In this post, I present a listening comprehension exercise on Dubai Water Canal which was recently opened in Dubai. Listen to the news story and answer the following questions. You can use the vocabulary list to assist your comprehension.
Answer the following questions in Arabic:
من الذي افتتح قناة دبي المائية؟
كم يبلغ طول قناة دبي المائية؟
كم تكلفت قناة دبي المائية؟
According to the information provided in the text, state whether the following statements are true or false:
The basin of Dubai Water Canal ranges from 80-100 meters.
The project includes a shopping centre.
The project will include a number of hotels.
افتتح = opened/inaugurated
قناة = canal
مشاريع = projects
سياحية = tourist
اقتصادية = economic
تربط = connect
مسافة = distance
تكلفة = cost
إجمالية = total
تتجاوز = exceeds
محور = axis
رئيسي = main
حوض = basin
يتراوح بين = ranges between
يشمل = include
مركز = center
تسوق = shopping
مرافق = facilities
ترفيهية = recreational
يحتوي على = include
مرافئ = marinas
يخوت = yachts
قوارب = boats
فنادق = hotels
Come back again soon to check your answers and read the transcription of the news story.