Tag Archives: Listening Exercise
Dubai Water Canal, Listening, Answer Posted by aziza on Dec 18, 2016
In this post, I present the answers of the listening comprehension exercise presented earlier about Dubai Water Canal. Arabic Questions and Answers: من الذي افتتح القناة؟ افتتح الشيخ محمد بن راشد حاكم دبي قناة دبي المائية. كم يبلغ طول قناة دبي المائية؟ يبلغ طول قناة دبي المائية ثلاثة كيلومترات. كم تكلفت قناة دبي المائية؟ تكلفت…
Dubai Water Canal, Listening Posted by aziza on Dec 16, 2016
In this post, I present a listening comprehension exercise on Dubai Water Canal which was recently opened in Dubai. Listen to the news story and answer the following questions. You can use the vocabulary list to assist your comprehension. Answer the following questions in Arabic: من الذي افتتح قناة دبي المائية؟ كم يبلغ طول قناة…
Listening Comprehension Answers; The Miracle Child Posted by Fisal on Oct 30, 2016
Ahlan, Arabic lovers! How did you find the last listening exercise about the miracle child? Do you think the little girl ‘Bella’ really deserves that title as the “Marvel” child? OK, in this post, you will have the chance to check your answers. You can listen again to check answers and you can also…
Listening Comprehension Exercise: Dubai International Film Festival Posted by Fisal on Dec 10, 2015
اِســتــمــع إلــى الــتــقــريــر ، ثــُــمَّ أجـِــبْ عـَــن الأســئــلــة الــتــَّــالــِــيــَـــة : Listen to the report and then answer the following questions: الأســـْـــئــِـــلــة Questions مــا هــو رقــم هــذه الــدورة لــلــمــهــرجــان؟ 1) What number is this round of the festival? مــَــنْ هــى الــمــمــثــلــة الــفــرنــســيــة الــتــي يــكــرمــهــا الــمــهــرجــان؟ 2) Who is the French actress that the festival honors?…
Listening Comprehension Exercise: Today’s Phenomenon Posted by Fisal on Mar 20, 2015
شــَــاهــِــدْ الــفــِــيــديــُــو ، و اِســتــمــع إلــى الــتــقــريــر ، ثــُــمَّ أجـِــبْ عـَــن الأســئــلــة الــتــَّــالــِــيــَـــة : Watch this video, listen to the report and then answer the following questions: الأســـْـــئــِـــلــة Questions عــَــنْ أى ظــاهــرة فــلــكــيــة يــتــحــدَّث الــفــيــديـــو؟ 1) Which astronomical phenomenon the video talks about? فــى أى الــمــنــاطــق مــِــن الــعــالــَــم يــُــمــكــن رؤيــة هــذه الــظــاهــرة ؟ 2)…
Listening Comprehension Exercise: The Love of the Arabic Language Posted by Fisal on Apr 10, 2014
Listen to Professor Hanada Taha talking about the love of the Arabic language and then answer the questions: اِســتــمـِــع إلـى الــدكــتـــُــورة هــَـــنــَـــادا طــه تــتــحــدَّثْ عــَـــنْ حــُــبِّ الـلــُّــغــَـــةِ الـعــَــربــيـــَّـــة ثــُــم أجـِــبْ عـَــن الأســئــلــة الأســـْـــئــِـــلــة Questions مــا هـــو مــفــتـــاح الــفـــكـــر؟ 1) What is the key to thought? مــا الــذى أوقـــع الــدكــتــــورة هــنـــادا فــى…
Listening comprehension – answers Posted by aziza on Jan 15, 2014
In this post, I present the answers of the questions presented in my previous post and the transcription of the news item. Questions: 1- What is the source of the news? What is the title of the news story? The source of the news is Al-Watan Newspaper, and the title of the news story is…