Today, we are going to go on a journey to the depths of the Arabic Dictionary to discover some of its secrets. We will look up the root verb قرأ and explore some of its derivatives.
*قــَـرأ[V. T.] = to read.
Ex. – قــَـرأ محمدٌ الخطابَ = Mohammad read the letter.
* قــَــارئ [N. C.] = male reader; the male person who reads.
Ex. – هـُو قارئٌ جيدٌ للأحداث الجارية = He is a goodreader to the current events.
* قــُـرَّاء [N. Pl.]= readers; plural of قارئ
* قارئون / قارئين[N. Pl.] = male readers; Plural of قارئ
* قارئِة[N. C.] = female reader; the female person who reads.
Ex. – هي قارئـِـةٌ جيدةٌ للأحداثِ الجارية = She is a good reader to the current events.
* قارئـِـات[N. Pl.] = female readers; Plural of قارئة
*قـِـرَاءَة[N. C.] = reading; the act of reading something.
Ex. –القراءة غذاءُ العقلِ = Reading is the food of the mind.
– يتعلم الأطفالُالقراءةَفي المدرسة = Children learn reading at school.
* قـِـراءات [N. Pl.]= readings; plural of reading. .
*أقــْـرَأ[V. T.] = to make someone read something.
Ex. – أقرأ المُعلم الأولادَ القرآنَ = The teacher made the boys read the Qur’an.
* مـُـقـرئ [N. C.]= the person who reads or teaches people to read (e.g. the Qur’an)
* القــُـرآن [N. U.]= word of Allah; speech or verses revealed by Allah to Prophet Mohammad that can be read in the Muslim’s holy Book; The Qur’an.
Ex. – القرآنُ هو الكتابُ المقدس عند المسلمين = The Qur’an is the holy book of the Muslims.
Well, I was born near the city of Rasheed or Rosetta, Egypt. Yes, the city where the Rosetta Stone was discovered. It is a small city on the north of Egypt where the Nile meets the Mediterranean. I am a Teacher of EFL.