Global Tales حكايات عالمية Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Dec 6, 2021 in Arabic Language, Film & Theater, History, Music, Pronunciation, Vocabulary
Welcome to a new post. Today, I’d like to share with you a unique theme song of an old TV cartoon show برنامج رسوم متحركة from my childhood. The cartoon is called “Global Tales” and it was released تم إصداره in Japan in 1979. It was then adapted and dubbed into Standard Arabic تمت دبلجته إلى العربية الفصحى and became very popular in the Arab world. For this post, I will share the Arabic lyrics (introduction and ending songs) and provide you with an English translation of those.
This animated series سلسلة الرسوم المتحركة was composed of many episodes and each episode focuses on one or two short stories from a specific part of the world. Some of the stories are also adaptations of Classics Literature الأدب الكلاسيكي, such as Les Misérables البؤساء by Victor Hugo.
*For those interested in this series in Arabic, you can find many episodes on this YouTube channel. I think it’s a great resource for learners who would like to improve their listening and comprehension skills. It should be fairly accessible to advanced learners.
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Let’s now listen to the first part of the theme song (the introduction part).
شارة البداية
Theme song (Introduction)
في قصص الشعوب ،، في قصص الشعوب
In people’s stories, in people’s stories
طرائف لا تنتهي
anecdotes that never end
وعالم حلو بهي
and a beautiful, gorgeous world
يسكن في القلوب
that lives in hearts
في قصص الشعوب
In people’s stories
= = = = = = =
من كل بلاد الدنيا ،، من كل بقاع الأرض
From all the world’s countries, from all parts of the earth
قصص شتّى
various stories
تُروى حتّى
even told/ narrated
نعرف أحوال الانسان
we know/ understand human conditions
والكل هنا جيران
and all here are neighbours
فإذا زرناهم بالصوره
so, if we visited them through the picture
في أحلى دنيا مسحوره
in the most beautiful, enchanted world
كي نتسلّى ،، صرنا أهلا
to have fun, we became family
فإذا زرناهم بالصوره
so, if we visited them through the picture
في أحلى دنيا مسحوره
in the most beautiful, enchanted world
كي نتسلّى صرنا أهلا
to have fun, we became family
= = = = = = =
And finally, here is theme song (the ending part).
شارة النهاية
Theme song (ending)
فإن سررتم معَنا
So if you were happy with us
نأمل أن سنلتقي
we hope to meet
في حلقة جديدة
in a new episode
وقصة مفيدة
and a useful story
في حلقة جديدة
in a new episode
وقصة مفيدة
and a useful story
يسودها الجوّ النقي
where a pure atmosphere prevails
= = = = = = = = =
في قصص الشعوب ،، في قصص الشعوب
In people’s stories, in people’s stories
طرائف لا تنتهي
anecdotes that never end
وعالم حلو بهيّ
and a beautiful, gorgeous world
يسكن في القلوب
that lives in hearts
في قصص الشعوب
In people’s stories
= = = = = = =

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What a good idea! A lot of thank you. It’s already in my Anki 💛
@PABLO JOSE I’m so glad to hear it, Pablo. Thank you 🙂