Grocery Shopping in Arabic Part One Posted by yasmine on Dec 23, 2020 in Arabic Language
In this post, we’ll be looking at a conversation between Sameera who is doing her weekly shopping التسوق and the grocer who will help Sameera with her list of groceries. But before we get into that, I thought we could look at the five food groups المَجموعات الغِذائية or مجموعات الطعام in Arabic and learn some food vocabulary.
المَجموعات الغِذائية
الخُضار: جَزَر، خِيار، طَماطِم، بَطاطِس، بَصل، ثوم، سَبانِخ، فِطْر
Vegetables: carrot, cucumber, tomato, potato, onion, garlic, spinach, mushrooms
الفَواكِه: تُفاح، بُرتُقال، مَوْز، لَيْمون، بَطيخ، فَراوِلة، خوخ، مِشمِش
Fruit: apple, orange, banana, lemon, watermelon, strawberry, peach, apricot
الحُبوب: الأرُز، الذُرة، الخُبز، المَعكرونة
Grains: rice, corn, bread, pasta
البروتين: لَحم (بَقر، خَروف، خَنزير)، دَجاج، سَمَك، بَيض
Protein: meat (beef, lamb, pork), chicken, fish, eggs
الألبان: حَليب، لَبن، جِبنة
Dairy: milk, yogurt, cheese
عِند البَقال
.سَميرة: السَلامُ عَليكُم
البَقال: وعَليكُم السَلام، كيفَ يُمْكِنُني مُساعِدَتِك؟
.سَميرة: أعْطِني مِن فَضْلَك عُلبتين لَبن وعُلبة عَصير
البَقال: عَصير تفُاح؟
.سَميرة: لا، عَصير بُرْتُقال مِن فَضْلَك. وأريدُ نِصْف كيلو جِبنة بَيضاء
البَقال: تَفَضَلي، شَيء آخَر؟
.سَميرة: كيس سُكَر وكيلو بَصل وكيلو لَيمون وكيلو خِيار
.البقال: تَحْت أمرِك
سَميرة: هَل عَندَكُم لَحْم خَروف بَلَدي طازِج؟
البَقال: بالتأكيد، كَم كيلو؟
.سَميرة: كيلو ونِصْف مِن فَضْلَك
سَميرة: كَم الحِساب؟
.البقال: ١٢ دينار و٣٠ قرش
.سميرة: تَفَضَل، مَع السَلامة
ما نَوع العَصير الذي اشْتَرَتها سَميرة؟
كم كيلو مِن الجِبنة البَيضاء اشتَرَت سَميرة؟
ما نَوع اللَحِم الذي طَلَبَتها مِن البَقال؟
At the Grocery Store
Sameera: Peace be upon you.
Grocer: And on you be peace, how can I help you?
Sameera: Could you please give me two containers of yogurt and a one container of juice?
Grocer: Apple juice?
Sameera: No, orange juice please. I also want half a kilo of white cheese.
Grocer: Here you are, anything else?
Sameera: A bag of sugar, a kilo of onions, a kilo of lemons, and a kilo of cucumbers.
Grocer: At your service.
Sameera: Do you have lamb that is local and fresh?
Grocer: Of course, how many kilos?
Sameera: A kilo and a half please.
Sameera: How much is the bill?
Grocer: 12 Dinars and 30 piasters.
Sameera: Here you go. Goodbye.
Can you name some of the groceries you want to get soon in Arabic? Why not make your next grocery list in Arabic? 😊
In the next post, we’ll look at more food vocabulary such as herbs, spices, etc., and do some more shopping.
Till next week, happy Arabic learning! 😊
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Amina Begum:
Assalamu Alaikum wrwb jazak Allahu khayr for these beneficial posts as I am very new to arabic I am unable to read the arabic text without harakah vowels
@Amina Begum MarHaban Amina, 🙂
Shukran for your comment. I went and added the short vowels. I had added them for the vocabulary but then forgot to add them in the conversation. Apologies and good luck with your Arabic learning! 🙂
many thanks for post and efforts