Marhaba! In most places across the globe August is one of the hottest and most humid months of the year! I for one love the summer season but just simply hate the long hot August days. I am not a fan of August especially when I have to work. However, if I am able to sip on a cold fruity beverage, enjoy the beach with family and friends, or just watch TV in an air conditioned room, then it’s fine. Today, I have created an Arabic crossword puzzle using some relevant words for summer and the beach! Enjoy this Arabic crossword puzzle and make sure to come back for the answers soon!

Sand – رمل
Beach – شاطئ
Sun – شمس
Summer – صيف
Wave – موجة
Ocean – مُحيط
Swimming – السباحة
Diving – الغطس
Boat – مركب
Coast – ساحل

Image by Luke Ma
Stay tuned for the answers and upcoming posts.
Have a nice day!!
نهاركم سعيد