Inna and Sisters إنَّ و أخواتها (Part 2)
In the previous post, we introduced to Inna and Sisters. We knew that they are particles حــُــروف ; not verbs. They start the Nominal sentence. They change the case of the Mubtada to the accusative or the Nasb Case حالة النصب . The Mubtada changes its name to be Noun of Inna and Sisters Mansoob with a Fat’ha on its ending. The Khabar is called Khabar of Inna and Sisters and its is Marfo’ مرفوع with a Dam’mah on its ending letter. What we are going to learn today is the meanings and uses of Inna and Sisters.
* إنَّ : It is used for affirmation and confirmation الــتــوكــيـــد /Tawkeed/
Ex. – إنَّ الــرَّجــُـــلَ جــائــِــعٌ = The man is hungry.
– إنَّ الــطـــائــِــرةَ ســَــريــعــــةٌ = The plane is fast.
* أنَّ : It is used for affirmation and confirmation, too.
Ex. – أدركــتُ أنَّ الــجــُـــوعَ قــاتـــِـــلٌ = I realized that hunger is a killer.
– أعــرفُ أنَّ الــطــريــقَ طــويـــلٌ = I know that the road is long.
* كــأنَّ : It is used to express simile الــتــشــبــيـــه /Tash’beeh/.
Ex. – كـأنَّ الــجــُــنــُــودَ أســُـــودٌ ثــائــِـــرةٌ = The soldiers were like angry lions.
– كـأنَّ الـمـُـمـَــرِّضــَــةُ مـَــلاكُ رحـمــةٍ = The nurse is like an angel of mercy.
* لــَـــكـِـنَّ : It is used to express contrast التناقض /Tana’qud/.
Ex. – الِاخــتــبــارُ سـهــلٌ لـكـِـنّ الأسـئـلـةَ طــويــلــةٌ
= The test is easy but the questions are long.
– الـقـضــيــّــةُ عــادلــةٌ و لـكـِــنَّ الـعــَــالــَــمَ يـرفــضُ حـلــّــها
= The case is fair but the world refuses to solve it.
* لــَـــيـــْــتَ : It is used to refer to wishes الـتـمـنـي /Taman’ni/.
Ex. – لـيـتَ الـشـبـابَ يـعــود يـومــاً = I wish young age could come back again.
– لــيـتَ الــظــُّــلــْــمَ يـنـتــهــي = I wish injustice could end.
* لــَــعــَــلَّ : It is used to express hopes الـتـرجــِّــي /Tara’ji/
Ex. – لــَــعــَـــلَّ الــنــَّــجــَــاحَ قــريـــبٌ = I hope success is near.
To be continued
Check our Arabic Youtube channel for pronunciations of these particles and more grammar analysis examples;
Check us back soon
Peace ســَــلام /Salam/
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