Arabic Language Blog

Listening comprehension Posted by on Sep 19, 2014 in Arabic Language, Vocabulary

Listen to the news report about the Scottish independence referendum, and answer the questions that follow. The questions are based on the first 45 seconds. You can use the vocabulary list below to aid your comprehension.


Answer the following questions:

1- What did the Scottish people decide in the independence referendum?

2- How did David Cameron view result of the referendum?

3- What did David Cameron promise?

4- What was the percentage of those who voted for unity with Britain?

5- What did the British and their allies fear in case of separation?

Useful Vocabulary:

حسم = decided

خيار = choice

استقلال = independence

استفتاء = referendum

وحدة = unity

امر بغاية الاهمية = an extremely important matter

الوقوف إلى جانب = stand beside

صوتوا لصالح = voted for

ملتزمون = committed

دعم = support

سلطة = authority/power

تعهد = pledge

حل المسائل الحيوية = resolve the critical matters

معسكر = camp

مؤيد = supporter

حلفاء = allies

تداعيات = repercussions

اضطراب مالي = financial turbulence

تقليص = shrink/decrease

نفوذ = influence

Come back again soon for the answers and transcription.


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