Please watch the video below, and try to answer the questions that follow. To make your task easier, I add the translation of key words below.
1- What is the purpose of the excavation that Israeli engineers are undertaking?
2- How old are some of the weapons discovered?
3- What is so strange about the discovery?
4- Why was the store discovered?
5- Who did the weapons belong to originally?
Key words:
كشف = discovery
مخزن سلاح = weapons store
اكتشف = was discovered
البحر الميت = the Dead Sea
استغراب = wonder
نجاة = survival
خصائص = properties
ملوحة = salinity
انحسار = retreat
قذائف المدفعية = artillery missiles
ذخائر = ammunition
الحرب العالمية الاولى = World War I
القوات العثمانية = the Ottoman forces
Come back again soon for the answers and more!