Arabic Language Blog

Listening comprehension exercise in Arabic Posted by on Mar 10, 2013 in Arabic Language, Culture, Pronunciation

Listen to the text, and answer the questions that follow. You can use the additional vocabulary list to assist your comprehension.


1-   What did the study find out about women who live in Mecca?

2-   What is the title of the study?

3-   How many women participated in the study?

4-   How many of the participating women wear designer clothes?

5-   How many of the participating women buy expensive fragrances?

6-   How many of the participating women wear luxurious watches?

7-   How many of the participating women are keen to own advanced mobile phones?

Additional vocabulary:

نساء = women

مترف = luxurious; affluent

دراسة =  study

ثقافة = culture

الإستهلاك  = consumption

سبل مواجهة = ways of confronting

وجهة نظر = point of view

ساكن = dweller

ملابس = clothes

العالمية = international

عطور = fragrances

باهظة الثمن = expensive

عينة = specimen/sample

إقتناء = owning

الساعات = watches

الهواتف المحمولة = mobile phones

Come back again soon for the answers of the questions and the transcription of the text.

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