In this post, I present the answer of the listening comprehension exercise published yesterday about the Islamic State (داعش).The exercise is based on a news report published by
Questions and Answers:
1- What is the area controlled by the Islamic State?
The Islamic States controls more than 40,000 square kilometers, equal to the size of Belgium.
2- What has been done to confront the Islamic State?
An international-Arab coalition has been formed to confront the Islamic State.
3- How many countries are involved in confronting the Islamic State?
There are more than 40 countries in the coalition.
4- How many Arab countries are involved in confronting the Islamic State?
There are 10 Arab countries in the coalition.
5- What is the number of Islamic State fighters?
The number of Islamic State fighters ranges between 20 and 31 thousand fighters.
6- What is the wealth of the Islamic state?
The wealth of the Islamic State is the largest among terrorist organisations and it is estimated as hundreds of millions of dollars.
Useful vocabulary
حجم = size
تحالف = coalition
داعش = Islamic State
قوة = power
تنظيم = organization
الحرب على الإرهاب = War on terrorism
دولي = international
انتشار = spread
مساحة = area
ألغى = abolished
حدود = borders
تتضمن = include
في مواجهة = in the face of
خطر = danger
تشكيل = formation
بري = ground
ضربات جوية = air strikes
تجفيف = dry
منابع = sources
تمويل = funding
تطويق = encircle
خنق = suffocate
فكري = ideological
قدرات = capabilities
أعداد = numbers
مقاتلين = fighters
ثروة = wealth
استخبارات = intelligence
أسلحة = weapons
ذخائر = ammunition
مطار = airport
طائرات = aeroplanes
آبار نفط = oil wells
غاز = gas
معابر = crossings
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