Arabic Language Blog

Mahraganaat Music أغاني المهرجانات – Part 2 Posted by on Feb 14, 2022 in Arabic Language, comprehension, Culture, Music, Pronunciation, Vocabulary

Welcome to the second part of this blog post where we’re focusing on a new trend اتجاه/ نمط جديد in Egyptian music And that is Mahraganaat Music. Last week, we started learning about this type of music and listened to some very popular examples. Today, we’re going to study the lyrics of a specific example of this type music; a song called: إنتِ قلبي you’re my heart that is performed by Omar Kamaal & Shaima Al-Maghrabi.  The lyrics, in Arabic & English, are provided below. As the song is fast-paced, and the lyrics are a bit long, I’m dedicating 2 blog posts for it.


Photo by Marcela Laskoski on Unsplash


Here’s the video clip.. Listen & Enjoy اِسْمَعْ وَاِسْتَمْتِعْ! Down pointing backhand indexCollision symbolWoman dancingMan dancingClapping hands sign

The lyrics below are for the first half of the song, exactly until 1:20 in the clip.





إنتِ قلبي وربنا

You are my heart, I swear


نسيتيني العكننه

You made me forget the annoyance/ bother


تخنقيني تعّصبيني

you choke me, you make me angry


مش هتمشي من هنا

You’re not leaving here


كل حاجه في دنيتي

Everything in my life


إنتِ أصلا ضحكتي

You’re actually my laugh


وبأمانه إنتِ الأمانة

and honestly, you’re, honestly


نفسي آخد فرصتي

I wish I take my chance


 = = = = = = = =


متيجي لحظه جنبي

come on for a moment next to me


وتخش قلبي

and you enter my heart


ده إنتَ اللي شاغل البال

You are the who is my mind busy with


حبيبي بس إنتَ

You’re my only beloved one


مين غيرك إنتَ

who else but you?


فلته وعاجبني يا غزال

You bright one, and I like you, ghazaal (handsome)


مافيش بُعد

There is no distance (seperation)


وعد لو برق رعد

A promise, whether it’s lightning or thunder


هفضل معاك مهما طال

I will stay with you, no matter how long


يا نور عيني

Oh the light of my eye


ياللي شمسي وضلي قمري

who is my sun, shade, and moon


وجمالَك خيال

and your beauty is a fantasy


 = = = = = = = =


إنتِ فيلم وأنا البطل

You’re a movie, and I’m the hero


ياللي أحلى من العسل

Who is sweeter than honey


مش هغيب

I won’t leave


أنا مش هسيب

I won’t let go


حتى لو كان إيه حصل

no matter what happened


مرحب بيكِ في كوكبي

Welcome to my planet


كوره جاتلي في ملعبي

a ball that came to my stade


أيوا حابسك جوه قلبي

Yes, I’m locking you up inside my heart


صعب إنك تهربي

It’s difficult that you run away


 = = = = = = = =


وقول للي سابنا

and tell that who left us


فراقك عجبنا

we liked your breakup1(i.e. we’re glad you left)


 بعدك كسبنا نفسينا

After you, we got ourselves back


 فما يجيش يزن

so he (better not) doesn’t come nagging


 يفضل يرن

and keeps ringing


 هنحنّ للي يراعينا

we’ll miss that who is considerate with us


 يا ناكر جميلنا

Oh you ungrateful


 بكره هتجيلنا

tomorrow, you will come back to us


 هنقولك: امشي هوينا

We’ll tell you: go away, get lost2a slang term that literally means: ‘let us get some air’


 غيرك خد مكانك

another took your place


 انتهي زمانك

your time ended


 الجاي مش ليك، ده لينا

what’s coming is not for you, it’s (this is) for us


 = = = = = = = =


Stay tuned for next week’s blog post 😉

  • 1
    (i.e. we’re glad you left)
  • 2
    a slang term that literally means: ‘let us get some air’
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About the Author: Hanan Ben Nafa

Hi, this is Hanan :) I'm an Arabic linguist. I completed my PhD in Linguistics - 2018. My PhD thesis was entitled Code-switching as an evaluative strategy: identity construction among Arabic-English bilinguals. I'm also a qualified public service translator & interpreter.