Song: My beloved mother أمي الحبيبة Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Mar 21, 2022 in Arabic Language, comprehension, Culture, Music, Pronunciation, Vocabulary
Welcome to a new post Today is Mother’s Day in the Arab world اليوم هو يوم الأم / عيد الأم في الوطن العربي. To celebrate this day, I’d like to share with you a lovely song, in Egyptian Arabic, by the amazing singer: Hisham Abbas هشام عبّاس. The song is short and not quick-pacd at all – so it should be fairly easy to follow
The song is titled: أمّي الحبيبة Umm-i Al-Habeebah< My beloved mother. I end the blog with focusing on a few idiomatic expressions in the lyrics and their meaning.
Mother’s Day عيد الأم
Instead of saying يوم الأم, it’s expressed in Arabic as> عيد الأم ‘Eid Al-Umm’.
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The song الأُغْنِيَة
The song is basically a letter from a son ابن to his mom أمّه. This son, who is currently living abroad يَعِيشُ فِي الخَارِج and feels homesick يَشْعُرُ بِالغُرْبَة, is telling his mom how much he misses her and that he can’t wait to come back.
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Let’s watch the clip below >>
أمّي الحبيبة
My beloved mom
من ابنك حبيبك
from your son, beloved one
اللي مكنش بايدو
Who wouldn’t, if he could,
لحظة يسيبك
leave you, for a moment
أخبارك إيه؟
How are you?
وحشاني يمّا
I’m missing you, mom
وكلّكم وحشينّي
and I miss you all
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وعاملة إيه؟
And how are you doing?
البعد عنكم والله
Being away from you is, I swear
غصبِن (غصبًا) عني
is against my will
إخواتي وصحابي وجيراني
My brothers (and sisters), and my friends, and my neighbours
Call them
وحياة عنيكي
سلّميلي عليهم
send them my regards
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يمكن بعيد عنكم أوي
maybe I’m very far away from you
لكن قريب منكم أوي
but very close to you
الدنيا مهما فرّقتنا
No matter how far life separated us
عايش بقلبي
I’m living with my heart
وفي حضن بيتنا
in the bosom of our house
ما بعدني غير حكم القوي
I’m far away from you, only because I’m forced to
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وسلّميلي يمّا
And mom, send my regards
علي اللي بالي بالك
to ‘you know who’
واقريلها كل كلمة.. يا أمي
And read every word to her, mom
عنها كتبتهالك
I wrote to you about her
وقوليلها إنّي راجع
and tell her that I’m coming back
والفرحة قريبه
and that joy is close
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Interesting phrases:
There are 4 interesting Egyptian idioms in the lyrics that can’t be understood from their literal meaning. Below, I will give you the literal meaning as well as the indicated meaning.
اللي مكنش بايدو *
The literal meaning is: ‘Who wasn’t in his hand’. The equivalent expression to this in English is: ‘It’s not in my hands’, i.e. it’s beyond my control، which is the intended meaning here.
وحياة عنيكي*
The literal meaning is: ‘For the life of your eyes’. The intended meaning: ‘I swear by your eyes’ or ‘For the love of God’. It’s used to ask someone a favour and so you swear by the most precious thing they have, e.g. their eyes, in this case.
حكم القوي*
The literal meaning is: ‘The rule of the the strong’. This phrase is taken from a longer idiom that goes like: حُكْمُ القَوِي عَلَى الضَّعِيف, i.e. ‘the rule of the strong over the weak’. It’s used as a reply to mean that ‘I have no control over this’. It’s very similar to the first idiom above.
اللي بالي بالك *
The literal meaning is: ‘That which is on my mind, your mind’. The literal meaning is almost funny and confusing! However, the intended meaning is simple. It means: ‘You know what/whom I’m talking about’. It’s usually used to refer to something that the speaker doesn’t want to explicitly say.
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Dr Joseph Muhammad:
Thank you for choosing this song as the pace is slow enough for non Arabs to follow. It is also a lovely song.
Inshallah you will make more posts
Hanan Ben Nafa:
@Dr Joseph Muhammad Thank you, Joseph
I’m glad you liked the post.