Arabic Language Blog

A Love Letter to Hummus Posted by on Jun 17, 2014

Hummus has become a world renowned side dish, where different shops, markets, and even countries compete on who has the better recipe for preparing my utmost favorite Middle Eastern side dish. In this post, I express my candid thoughts and feelings about Hummus (الحمص) while in the U.S. Dear Lebanese Hummus (عزيزي الحمص اللبناني), I…

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Learn 10 New Words about the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Arabic (2) Posted by on Jun 15, 2014

Marhaba! Are you caught up in world cup fever? If not then no worries, you still have time to join the millions of fans around the globe and cheer for one or two teams. Well, speaking of cheering for teams, I have a confession to make. I am rooting for two teams this year: Argentina…

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Learn 10 New Words about the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Arabic Posted by on Jun 14, 2014

Marhaba! Are you one of the many millions if not billions of fans around the world that wait every four years to watch the world’s greatest teams compete for the world cup? If you are then that’s awesome!! In addition to our passion for Arabic and love for learning this beautiful language, we now have…

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Reading Comprehension3- answers Posted by on Jun 13, 2014

In this post, I present the answers of the reading comprehension questions in my previous post. The questions are based on the article below adapted from bbcarabic website.   الكساد الاقتصادي يدفع 10 آلاف شخص للانتحار كشفت الدراسة أن خسارة المرء لعمله أو لمنزله أو تراكم الديون عليه من ابرز العوامل التي تدفع المرء للانتحار…

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Reading comprehension Posted by on Jun 13, 2014

Read the article below adapted from bbcarabic website, and answer the questions that follow. You can use the vocabulary items at the end of the post to assist your comprehension.   الكساد الاقتصادي يدفع 10 آلاف شخص للانتحار كشفت الدراسة أن خسارة المرء لعمله أو لمنزله أو تراكم الديون عليه من ابرز العوامل التي تدفع…

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The Verbal Sentence (Part 6) – The Passive Verb Form Posted by on Jun 12, 2014

   Ahlan Arabic fans! Today, we are going to continue our study of the verbal sentence. What we have learnt earlier about this type of sentence is as follows: 1-      The Verbal Sentence 2-      The Subject of the Verbal Sentence (Part 1) 3-      The Subject of the Verbal Sentence (Part 2) 4-      Subject-Verb Agreement in…

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Listening Comprehension Answers: Moroccan Food Posted by on Jun 7, 2014

    Ahlan, Arabic fans! I hope you have liked the Listening comprehension Exercise about Moroccan Food. How was your score? How much of the Arabic text could you understand? How many questions could you answer? How many Arabic words couldn’t you answer? What did you like most about the video?     Now, let’s check…

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